Chapter 7

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Tris pov

They spot the bodies. "What happened here?" Shauna asks, stepping over the bodies, well I wouldn't call them bodies, more like aliens. Well that's how they look, anyway. "Herd came through. But sometimes, there can be hundreds. We just have to get better security" Robert answers. Sounds like he has experience with these, um, things. "That'll be easy. Four and I looted a weapon store. Snipers, handguns, knives, even a couple of bow and arrows" I interrupt.

"Can you teach us to throw and use knives?" Christina asks. I nod, "it'll be easy. It only took me 10 times to hit the centre, but I had a fantastic teacher. I might not be so great". "Can you teach us how to use bows?" Zeke adds. I nod again. "What we gonna throw and shoot stuff at?" I ask. Four comes around the corner with hay bales, I cock an eyebrow, where'd he get them from? Well it doesn't matter now anyway. "I'll go get the knives and bows" I say walking to the RV.

Four must have gotten extra bows because I only picked up one and I saw 4 in the box, excluding the crossbow. I grab the three sets of knives, each containing 12 knives of the same size, what's good is that they are training knives. That means that they will get around 2 - 3 each to practice with. I see four setting up the hay bales. "How do you want to set this up?" He asks. "Have three Stations, one for recurve bows, one for knives and one for your special crossbow. Crossbow is a league of its own". He gets excited, again. What is with him and this crossbow?

Once everything is set up, I split everyone up. Christina, Will, Uriah, Millicent and Marlene are at the knives. Zeke, Shauna, Robert and Lynn are on the bows. I won't teach Millicent how to use a bow until she has more strength. Of course, Four is at his crossbow station, especially for him. I start at the knives, I demonstrate the correct stance for throwing a knife and how to actually throw a knife, I do this a couple more times into the hay. I stop and watch them for a minute. Most seem to be getting closer to the middle of the hay, except Millicent.

I go over and hold onto her, showing her how to throw a knife. I help her for a couple of more minutes until she starts getting the hang of it. I then go to bows. I do the same thing as I did at knives, demonstrating correct stance and how to shoot, without injuring yourself. Everyone seems to be doing well. They set it up so they shoot all their arrows and wait until everyone else has shot all theirs, then collect their arrows and repeat. It'll take them longer to learn then knives though. Finally, I go to Four. He seems bored, but not when he sees me, he gets excited.

"Teach me, oh master" he says bowing. I roll my eyes and grab the crossbow and load it. I quickly shoot, hitting it dead centre, he is standing there gawking. I load it again. "Now using a crossbow is like in a way, using a gun. There's a trigger and a scope. I'm assuming you were taught how to use snipers" I ask not looking over my shoulder while I aim to shoot. "Yes". "Then you should be fine" and I shoot. I go get the arrows and put them back in the arrow bag. I hand him the crossbow. "Your turn. Don't shoot yourself" I say. He just rolls his eyes and laughs.

He stands, in the correct stance and shoots. Dead centre. "You're a fast learner" I comment. "I've always been. Living in the country makes you learn things" he mutters. I gasp mockingly?, "was that a humble brag?". "A humble what?" He doesn't turn around. "Complaining about something really positive" I answer. "Pfft. As if" he defends. I just laugh.


Sorry I haven't updated in forever. I have a TONE of homework.


Instagram: @arenaofinitiates

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