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A To be honest I sometimes wonder.... how did my life get to this point? My teachers are all shitty( most of them), I was a loner at a couple of points of my 7th grade year, I get bullied by the Fiends( they will be explained later), and I have no hair( sorry that part was really irrelevant). Now that I look back at it... I'm just a straight up hot mess. Now I see why people say I need help. Oh I completely forgot to tell you guys who I am! My name is Brianna but you can call me Bri since we're friends now. Antyways(my catchphrase) I am a 12 year old wannabe Mexican who acts like a lesbian( I'm really not) and always has weave in that's overdue. Now... brace yourselves because this book is about to get hella crazy!!
DISCLAIMER- All events that take place in this story are all true! Kinda wish they weren't but hey, it's life. I will also be changing the names of the people involved but only a few will remain the same...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2017 ⏰

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