Fairytale gone bad

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We were perfect
We were the couple the called "goals" out there

This is the end, you know

In the public we acted so sweet, always kissing and hugging and holding hands, going to cute cafés and laughing together

We ain't nothing but fight and shout and tears

I remember when we went to the beach near to the town to have a picnic. It were so cute
We were feeding strawberries to each other and you carried me to the sea

I ain't more than a minute from walking

It was so perfect

The plans we had went all wrong

Then, in a half of a second, all changed.

They all make mistakes and so did we

In a half of a second, the dream, a fairytale changed into a nightmare
The worst nightmare I've ever had.

Leave and don't look back, I won't follow

You find new one.
At first it was just a short glance. I saw something changed in your eyes, but I ingored it. It was my first mistake.
Second one was that I let you out without actually knowing where you were.

We have nothing left, it's the end of our time

One day I came back home from work
I still hope that I didn't do it
But I did
And I saw it
I saw you and her
Your new one
Better than me
The one that made you feel better than me
The one that broke my heart

We can't cry the pain away

I still hope, that I can go back in the time and broke up with you before nightmare
I still wake up yelling "what the fuck"
I still see you and her kissing in our bed.

I'm just curious
But why me?
Why did you decided to cheat on me?
It's my worst nightmare and I'm living in it
And living in a nightmare ain't easy

It's fairytale gone bad

Ughhh sorry I'm just negative person
(Lyrics: Sunrise Avenue-Fairytale gone bad)

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