Chapter 5

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Kylie's P.O.V

I woke up to my brother opening up the curtains.

"Seth, leave me alone." I shouted turning round to face the wall.

"Sorry I can't. Dad told me to wake you up because we have guest." He told me picking out some clothes to wear.

"Who are these guest that are so important I have to wake up on a Sunday for? Is it the queen? Cause if it isn't buzz off!" I shouted cover my head with the duvet.

"No. But there are new neighbours who moved Next door who round came to say hello. So you have to come down. NOW!" He told me

"Yeah I'll be down in a hour." I said sitting up.

"Just get the fuck up lazy ass!" He shouted throwing my clothes at me.

"Fine." I said grabbing a top.

"5 minutes." He said walking out my room.

After all of that I thought I should get dressed before someone else comes in my room to wake me up. I put on a white turtle neck with dark blue skinny jeans and black ankle socks, my brother might be a boy but he has good taste in style. I existed my room and made my way down the stairs and into the living room where there was a middle aged women and man and a boy about my age. To be honest though, dang he looked cute. The boy came forward and held out his hand for me to shake.

"Hi I'm myles, myles Digbi" he said shaking my hand.

"Kylie, Kylie Johns" I said letting go of his hand.

"Darling why don't you show myles around whilst I take these to lovely people and your brother to a cafe Down the road." He said standing up.

"Okay, well let's start out side and I'll show you round the neighbour hood." I said showing him to the door.

Logan's P.O.V

I heard my door bell ring as I was sitting in my living room. I opened the door to see Mark, Gorge and Johannes waiting for me out on my porch.

"OMG! My boiiis!!!" I shouted bro hugging them one by one.

"Well you guys get ready up in the guest room k I'll help you with your stuff" I said stepping out side so I was the last one to shut the door.

As Johannes went through the door I saw Kylie and a short stubby little dude following behind her.

"Boys I need to go somewhere meet you in a hour." I said running out the door before they could stop me.

I climbed up the ladder and went up in her room. I heard her approaching so I panicked and ran into her wardrobe.

Kylie's P.O.V

"Okay and here's my room." I said As I sat on the bed as he slowly exploded my room.

"Finally somewhere we could have fun." He said looking at my dresser.

"What do you mean by fun?" I asked him.

"You know fun." He said sitting next to me trying to hold my hand. I just look confused.

"You know. Like grinding." I still looked confused

"Some XXXL shit" i looked even more confused.

"Sex!" My smile turned into s frown.

"You know how to grind?" He asked me ignoring my facial expressions.

"C'mon. Lay down on the bed." He said forcing me down. Then he started to moved up and down near my genital area. I didn't fill right.

Logan's P.O.V

I knew he was gonna do something bad to her so I had to think fast. Then my phone buzzed. Light bulb.

Johannes- bro where are you?

Logan- look I need you mark and gorge to come round the side of my house.

Johannes- which side?

Logan- side of my house with my room. You will see a ladder. I need all you three to wait there till I shout the word "now"got it.

Johannes- no. Why do we need to do it.

Logan- look something is gonna happen to Kylie okay.

Johannes- rlly so she gonna get raped?

I knew he was being silly but her actually got it right.

Logan- Yes!


I heard Kylie scream. I quickly jumped up to see this kids tiny dick up in Kylie's genitals and she crying. With anger I punched the kid onto the ground.

"NOW!" I shouted. And all three of them came up.

I Did a dramatic slow motion walk up to this kid and was. Ready to end his life but Johannes and George pulled me back as mark comforted Kylie.

"Calm down Logan," George told me.

"K. I'm calm" I said as they let go of me. But I had to much anger built up inside of me as I went for it.

I ran up to him and pushed him to the floor. I started to kick him then got down to his level and started to punch him. Then sat on his back and started to bang his head on ground till he bled and when he did I stopped. I walked over to a half undressed Kylie crying and shaking. Mark moved out my way so I could comfort Kylie. As I sat down she flinched. I wrapped my arm round her and brought her in closer for a hug.

"Someone call the police." I said directing it at all of them.
Mark walked over the almost half dead rapist and helped him sit up.

"Mark. What the hell!" I shouted.

"Logan. You almost killed him. Look." Mark said clearly pointing out what I done.

"He should fill the pain he suffering right now. Forever." I said heartless as a tear roll down my face with Kylie now on my lap not saying a word. Just in pain.

"Logan he's missing a black eye. A blood shot eye. And a messed up check with probably some broken ribs and a sprained foot!" He shouted at me.

"It was self defence!"

"For who? You!?" Mark shouted.

"No for Kylie she was defence less!" I shouted back. Mark looked at Johannes and Gorges to see they were agreeing with me.

Them the police am rushing in and quickly fans cuffed the person who was half dead on the floor.

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