He caught you masterbating

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Darry: Darry just got home from work he is tried and hungry but he went to rest he had. Big day and he was wonder big soda first but then he heard you moaning then he creaked the door opened then walked in then kissing your neck you moaned then he helped you then you grab his shirt the moaned " oh god " you  moaned then you guys had sex

Ponyboy: ponyboy just came back from school he walked the house he was so tried then he walked passed the bedroom then went back then saw you rubbing you pussy yes smiled then walked In he went behind you kissed your neck you moaned you pulled his shirt off then you guys had sex

Dallas: Dallas just came back from bucks then he was hungry he walked in the house then he went to the kitchen then ate some candy or fruit then went he was eating he heard moaning then he stepped back then creaked open the door " uhh God" you moaned dally smiled then your eyes were closed so you could see who was touching you Dallas walked in then sat behind you then kissed you neck then he rubbed your pussy you moaned he grinding behind your too you moaned loud the he groaned cause he was getting hard.

Johnny: Johnny was eating then listening to music then heard you moaning then he walked in the came on top of you then kissed you moaned

Steve: Steve saw you rubbing your pussy he wanted to help but he let you suffer so he laughed behind the wall you heard him then got up then walked out of the room then kissed him he pushed you back in the room then kissed he took off your clothes

Soda: was taking a piss he got up then heard you moaning he walked in then jumped on you then kissed your legs then kiss your neck you moaned and sod groaned he was hard

Two bit: so you rubbing your pussy he laughed then moaned with you then you opened your eyes he playing with him self too you laugh

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