Dallas is turned on

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You walked by Dallas he looked sad and mad and happy he had so many you can't count you sat by him then put your head on his shoulder he didn't do anything " hi" I said he didn't say anything " oh come on your still giving me the silent treatment that not fair I mean it was only once" you said one time you and Dallas went to the movie you got pissed off you spilled your coke on him because you thought he was flirting with girls they were guys with long hair you alopigize but he wouldn't talk to you " okay fine don't talk but..." You said but getting on his lap bitting your lip he looked at with a straight face you touched him stomach the moved your hands down his pants then you touched is cock through his jeans he tried not to moan but instead he panted then you got on his dick but he still had his jeans you started to grind on him but before you could the gang came in you stopped then you moved closer dally groaned the gang turned around two bit smiled he knew what I was doing he whispered drop on his dick then let's see what happens" he whispers " I did signal tht meant okay I lifted up. Little then slammed myself on his dick he made a loud moan I smiled he whispered " stop I'm gonna... Scream stop" he said I moved closer I got wetter then I grinding on him he panted then I got off of him dally ran to the bathroom he rubbed his clock until he came he panted and moan so hard and loud then he was done then I was outside the door " don't do that I'm gonna get you back for that" he said

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