tag#2- @taeucci

57 9 43

self appreciation tag!
so yeah, long story short, i got tagged by taeucci for this tag.

--> four things you like about your personality

—the fact that i really don't care
okay, go ahead and insult me. i won't give two fucks about what you say. yes, words may be strong but actions are what proves you mean it. and words are just the foundation of actions, if you don't carry it out, it's meaningless. which is the reason why i barely care about people's negative opinions, i usually prefer to view on the positive instead. even if the one insulting me is a close friend i don't mind because i know we'll make up soon enough.

—my attitude
if you say something, i'll always have another dart filled with poison in my mind ready to shoot back at you. i rarely legit fight someone unless it's a few punches and kicks to their pressure points, but that only happens when necessary. honestly idek why my mom dragged me to self defense classes such as taikwondo, karate, jujitsu, boxing, judo, an all that shit ive been taught. what really matters is being able to capture all the energy and pressure points which will paralyze that part of the body's movements. lucky for the people i actually did paralyze, the paralyzation isn't permanent. that way i don't need to hurt anybody with anything else but not being able to move for a couple of hours and my attitude.

—my walls
growing up, i've put up walls to protect myself from anymore shit that's coming my way. i've always been a quiet, keep-to-myself kind of girl. however, there's been moments where i let people into the broken down castle within the iron walls. and it's either always had a positive or a negative outcome. but it's great to learn from your mistakes. and learning from it makes me able to withstand more shit being thrown my way.

my attempts of bravery
like everyone else, i always get curious and try to do something at least once. i find this quality necessary in life because i'd rather risk something than be nothing. it's like someone who doesn't know how to swim jump from the diving board into their loved one's arms.

--> four things that you like about your appearance

—my pale skin
idk why but i find my milky white skin a really good sign of healthiness

my heart shaped face
my heart shaped face really gives off a innocent vibe that still lingers.

my shortness
i'm proud to be short! people often tease me about it, but i really do have a love/hate relationship with my height and that's okay!

—lack in fat
i eat a lot, but i never gain any fat or weight. i mean, last time i checked my weight (yesterday at the doctors), i was 84 lbs. and i literally just ate korean bbq! wtf is up with my weight.

--> four talents you have that you love

you could say that min yoongi is my role model. i really like rapping but my songwriting is meh. i pour my heart into words but it always ends up being a shitty rhyme because i can't rhyme.

i've always loved the way simply a pencil, paintbrush, marker, etc. creates something full of meaning and that's how i developed a love for using paper. and how a camera snaps a shot of a moment. but i'm also very invested in school, yeah sure i hate it, but i prefer to maintain a decent grade, and i guess i'm good at focusing on multiple things and being consistent.

—athletic and lazy at the same time
i'm a very athletic girl. i am involved with a lot of sporty activities. i'm always swimming, running track, working out. and i'm also part of the school basketball team. but i hate football for various reasons.

the reason why i'm so athletic an yet so lazy at the same time is unknown. maybe all the energy i store by sleeping all the time is devoted to sporty activities?

the world may never know.

i guess this could fall into the category of rapping but, i don't only specialize in rapping, i can sing too. not only that, i love the way the piano keys feel under my thin fingers and the way the guitar buzzes at the slightest touch. you could say my life revolves around music.

but despite all of my other qualities, i've only chosen 12 that i favor. i know, i'm a really dry person.

i tag the following:

CHRISTAENITY - 94SEOKS - Blue_Starz - Tae_Bae_98 - airywinds -Taetally_Shooked - mcdbai56 - -_BAILEY_- - jyminsass - merakidleeps

and anyone else who wants to do it because it's always nice to reflect on your good qualities!

and ktholy , i'd tag you but i think taeucci already did, it's okay babe. i still love you.

and lol yesterday i spotted this

and lol yesterday i spotted this

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one punch man!

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