For the magical world of Junipette, Ashton thought Jasper looked more like 2017 New York Fashion Week. Not in a bad way, or anything. Jasper was wearing his school uniform, with his own personal touches. He wore his provided navy blue dress pants, white button up shirt and navy blazer, but with his own navy and green plaid bow tie that he made himself, brown leather dress shoes, a golden heart pin for his shirt, and a big pair of black round sunglasses.

"Jasper?" Ashton asked.

"Yeah," He laughed, taking off his sunglasses. "That's what I said, didn't I? Now come on, get up. Your mother is waiting."

Ashton jumped up with much more enthusiasm, "You know my mother?"

"Duh." Jasper grinned. "She sent me to get you. I'm her favorite student. Although that'll probably change, you know, now that her own son is here."

"You go to Eccentric Estate?" Ashton asked.

"Yeah, and I'm a warlock, just like you." Jasper replied.

Ashton looked quite confused, taking in the rather flamboyant individual. He half expected him to be a fairy.

"Oh, don't look at me like that." Jasper laughed, "I'm a warlock, okay? Just with a little flare. Don't worry, I'm not going to hit on you. I have a boyfriend already. Also a warlock."

Ashton laughed, "I really wasn't worried about it, man. But do I have to dress like that?"

Jasper laughed at the joke, "Ha ha, very funny. Try not to be jealous. But no, you don't have to. You can be boring if you'd really like. You do have to wear a uniform, though. It'll all be provided, in your dorm. You get 5 pairs of dress pants, two white dress shirts, one blazer, a polo, and a sweater. And shoes. Keep them clean, they're limited. You can accessorize how you wish. Ha. I feel like I'm going over all the school rules with you."

"Can you?" Ashton asked.

Jasper shrugged, "Your mom will probably want to, but if she misses anything, find me. I'll be your personal guide around here. Lucky you, you got the best one."

Ashton laughed. "Thanks. So, this is Junipette?" He looked around.

"Part of it. Walk with me." Jasper motioned for Ashton to follow. "Junipette is a magical world, which you already knew of course, made up of three regions, two forests, and one sea. This is the Opalia region. We're like the equivalent of a big city in the mortal world. Just, you know, magical. A lot of the industrial income Junipette makes is all here. There's a lot of people here, mostly witches and warlocks. A lot of shadow hunters, too. We've also got vampires, werewolves, hybrids, and more. Then, past the Lunamous Forest, is the Primson region. They're more of a rural area. Lots of gardens, orchards, farmland. That's where you'll find the fairies, the elves, the brownies. Healers. Gypsies. Some voodoo. Good trolls. Nymphs. And animals. Ones from your world, and magical ones. Animals you've never seen in your life. New plants, fruits, everything. Trust me, I've visited the mortal world. You'll be in shock of how bland it is compared to us. Then, you reach the shitty stuff."

"The shitty stuff?" Ashton asked.

"The darkness." Jasper nodded. "It starts with Balam Forest. The forest itself is full of terrible spirits. If, and I really mean if you make it through, you enter the Abbadon region. Its an evil, evil place."

"Right." Ashton gulped. "And the ocean?"

"Sugarpea." Jasper smiled again, "Junipette is surrounded by the Sugarpea Sea. Except on the coast of the Abbadon region. That's just a thick oil. But Sugarpea holds a lot of marine life. Mostly animals, but also mermaids and sea nymphs. Some mermaids are native to the water, and stay there. Some are merely gypsies on land, but turn when they come in contact with water. Cool, huh?"

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