Count Down

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I have three days until I leave. I can't wait to see Shelby. This will be my first time meeting her irl. We have been texting for the past few days. Planning videos, scheduling things. I'm glad I get to talk to her. She told me that we would share her room. I sleep on the bed and she will sleep on the giant bean bag. I couldn't let her do that but she insisted. I couldn't tell her no. Even if I wanted to. I knew I liked Shelby but she would never like me. She probably would like Parker. He is funny, has a nice smile, and lives closer. Waay closer. I stay with Shelby for two weeks, then I have to leave. After that we go back to team speak calls and Minecraft videos.


Graser will be here in three days. I can't wait. Parker and Liam have been picking on me. My only friend right now is Link, which I am totally not against. Liam said I would have to go pick Graser up from the airport by my self so he could open pokémon cards. Typical Liam. I don't mind though, more time to talk and catch up. I also have to pick up a few pizzas for us to eat that night. Again totally not against it. I can practically count down the days, hour's, and minutes until Graser gets here. A little to much I guess.

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