moonage daydream

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Gerard sighed as he lit his sixth cigarette in the past forty-five minutes, his mind wandering as he stared mindlessly out of the window of his best friend, Frank Iero's, bedroom.

Frank was elsewhere, most likely making coffee, or getting food, or god knows what else. Gerard moved to open the window, sitting on the windowsill and letting his legs dangle as he smoked quietly.

Gerard found himself thinking too much, too much about his best friend, specifically things he shouldn't be thinking, due to the fact that frank was his best friend, simply that. Although Gerard tended to make fun of stereotypes and conventional procedures in what appeared to be "normal" society. Gerard just happened to be not so normal.

Frank however, wasn't complaining about this whatsoever. He found Gerards peculiarity to be charming, it only drew him to the other boy more, if he was honest, and he was of course. Frank wasn't the type to lie, but a secret, however, is not technically a lie.

Frank returned shortly, although it felt like ages in Gerard zoned-out nicotine laced mind.

The two made eye contact briefly, before returning to their original tasks, Gerard and his chain smoking and Frank sitting on the bed with a mug of coffee, getting back to work on some 'bogus bullshit essay' as Gerard called it, for his English class.

Despite his fascination for Gerard and his respect for the other boy, disagreed with Gerards statement, having gone on a lecture about J.D. Salinger's work, and how just maybe, if Gerard had bothered to check out The Catcher in the Rye from the library, and god forbid read a few pages of the novel that he may, perhaps, enjoy it. But that's nonsense, books without pictures were against Gerard 'religion', as he liked to say, despite the fact he had been an atheist since he found out what that was in 5th grade.

Gerard liked comics, liked perhaps couldn't quite even describe it. The boy knew most everything about the comic book community, whereas Frank was more of the book smart type, half of the time writing Gerard essays for him, simply due to the fact that Gerard was seven months older and therefore Frank still hadn't turned 18 and Gerard bought the both of them cigarettes.

"Frankie?" Gerard finally broke the silence, his eyes glued to the night sky, clouded with puffs of cigarette smoke, as frank worked.

"What's up?" Frank asked in response, pulling a hoodie on from the side of his bed as a breeze blew into his room, carrying the cold Jersey air, laced with the smell of cigarettes and Gerard Way, the peculiar boy that Frank was just slightly too interested in, although he would never admit that, especially not to Gerard.

"Do you ever wonder what else is out there, like outside of Jersey?" he asked, his voice just above a whisper.

"Not really" Frank answered honestly, not paying his full attention to Gerard, typing up his essay explaining Holden Caulfield's character traits in comparison to those of students in the twenty first century.

Gerard sighed as he blowed out a cloud of smoke into the cold night air, his baggy and fading iron maiden shirt hanging loosely over his pale torso, Gerard closed his eyes as his cigarette balanced between his lips. "I do" he eventually responded.

Frank simply nodded as he worked, "how are you not cold?" he eventually asked, Gerard replying with a simple shrug "I'm just not cold, I don't get cold very easily" he answered simply, his eyes still closed as he smoked mindlessly.

"Gimme a smoke?" Frank asked, not breaking his gaze from his laptop screen as Gerard got up and walked across the room, sitting down on the bed beside Frank and handing him a cigarette from the pack of Marlboro red lights he had left on the nightstand. Gerard pulled out his purple lighter, because 'purple is a cool fucking colour and you don't need to be girl to have a fucking purple lighter' as he had said earlier when Frank laughed as he picked it up at the liquor store across from Frank's house.

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