Mom is worried I'm being "radicalized."

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Prayed Isha just once in the mosque; mom is worried I'm being "radicalized." - Sev‏@MAalHakeem

I think it’s some kind of Islamaphobia

Prayed Isha just once in the mosque

Just once in the mosque; mom is

Worried I’m being “radicalized.”

How can I be worried about answering

The phone at home when I’m being

Radicalized I’m a radical when I

Speak on the phone

You should hear me speak

My vocabulary is immense

Radically verbose me

Skateboarding down the path to my

Imminent institutionalisation

I’m surrounded by conservative


Kneeling down in graceful submission

Preparing to answer the telephone

Ring – Ri – “Hello”

Yes Ma’am it’s a pleasure to make this

Verbal acquaintance … Relatively stoic

As a matter of interest, I find myself

Particularly somnambulistictactoptalistic currently

Hang up.

Did you hear that?

I’m relentless.

Relentlessly radical; my mother calls me

On the telephone and asks me how

I am the nerve the cheek

Her ways are mysterious and she

Wears a yellow abaya it makes

Me want to stab my eyes several

Times it reflects the rays of the sun

Directly into my eyes and obscures

My path of imminent institutionalisation

On my skateboard

Blinded with my prayer mat

Skateboarding me

And Ravi whizzes past that ass

Likes to steal my spot just next

To the air con at the back

He’s relentless

I kick my sole off the road a few

Times I’m catching up Ravi

That ass

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