You silly little vampire

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Edward pov ( wow I haven't done that in a while)

We walked upstairs to our room.



"Does Tanya ever look appealing or better than me? have you ever thought about being with her instead?" I stopped. I felt so mad for no reason I just got really mad.

"Bella! how could you think that? I love you and only you! You are my mate and when I look at you I feel like my heart is going to start to beat any second now. all I have to do is wait and ill be mortal again!" I screamed outraged and shocked I pick her up and hug her.

"If I was human I'd be scared, but I love you too much to do that. and thank you Edward, I know I can't make both of us mortal so we can live and for that I'm sorry."

"Sorry? Bella I just told you I love you and you think that you have disappointed me." she gave a nod. if she was human I'd mistake her as a tomato, but a very attractive tomato.

"Bella I love you no matter what. it doesn't matter if the most prettiest woman in the world came in, but that can't happen you are the most prettiest attractive, smartest, most lovable thing on earth."

"You really think that?"

"Yes, yes I do Bella but I don't think that You know that." I said caressing her cheek.

"I love you."

"As I love you." I replied

The end

I know, really short but it just came and I had to write it. so there! And thank you all for supporting me while I wrote this story. thank you from the bottom of my heart!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2014 ⏰

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