Chapter 2

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*Dr. Cockroach POV*

A light began to flicker in the distance. It was the only thing I could see within the dark void that surrounded me. I groaned, raising myself off the ground and finally stood. My world swayed as I fought to keep my balance. After what seemed like a few minutes, I became steady.

"Where am I?" I questioned the darkness. The only reply I received was the echo of my own confusion.

My memory slowly began to return. I recall throwing myself into the path of Sta'abi's attack to prevent it from hitting Susan. The pain had been excruciating, yet overwhelmingly numbing. Now I found myself in this strange place with questions no one would answer. I was alone, but I couldn't shake the feeling that someone was nearby.

My train of thoughts was suddenly halted when the flickering light began to illuminate brighter. I wandered closer to it-enthralled by its beauty. As I approached it, a multiple spectrum of colors materialized in its center. These colors danced vicariously; merging and spiraling around one another to create a variety of indescribable hues. It beckoned me forth with its warmth and serenity. I felt like I was home.

I didn't care if I was dying. At this moment, I didn't care if I never woke up. These feelings were odd, especially for someone like myself who fear the uncertainties of what lies beyond the end. There was no fear present here, only an immense amount of peace. I took a single step forward and was enveloped in the comfort of a completely different world.

Heaven was more beautiful than certain death theories had described, if this is what this place truly was. Amber stars filled a vast onyx sky that appeared limitless in its reach. In its center sat two perfectly curved crescent moons that faced one another. Their presence was reflected within a stunning lake that was supplied continuously by a beautifully moonlit waterfall. A large meadow of tall violet grass cradled the lake as the cool night air encouraged it to sway somberly over the illuminated plains. Never in my life had I witnessed something as breathtaking as this. I want to stay here forever.

I walked over to the edge of the shimmering water hole. I couldn't help but sit at its side and admire its alluring display of perfection. I wanted to cry, but no tears would enter my gaze. I felt enlightened, as if all my burdens had been washed away by the soothing waters. I no longer felt denied by the world or those who objected my beliefs. When I inhaled, my chest was filled with the calmness of a new beginning. My breath was no longer clouded with the tainted dust of doubt and envy. I was so relaxed in my euphoric state that I was nearly unaware of the presence that treaded the lake's frame not so far from where I was sitting.

A silhouetted figure that walked upon all fours made its way to the side of the glimmering waters. As it treaded through the tall grass, beautiful hues of teal and lavender surged upward in every strand that was touched. The colors extinguished as fast as they materialized, and the figure sat down to gaze up at the star-filled sky.

The moonlight revealed the silhouette to be that of a canine, but something about it was different. Its fur was long and ivory white, reflecting the illuminated water with an alluring glow. It sat in a graceful stance that couldn't simply be mirrored by an ordinary Earth creature. I squinted and could see the faint outline of silver symbols intricately etched into the strands of its fur that shimmered under the moon's brilliance.

The most curious feature that I found fascinating about the animal was its eyes. No white was present within them at all when they gazed up at the sky. The stars reflected within the two onyx abysses, creating a miniature galaxy in each of them. They drew me into a trance that I couldn't pull myself out of.

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