chapter two: the underworld

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The sheriff's enter the funeral parlour which is conveniently called "the underworld". Emma isn't too sure that the dead would think much of that name. 

Coincidentally, the place is just as dead as its customers. Decorations are scarce and a red tinge surrounds the shop depicting the morbid side of death.   

As Emma walks behind the main counter she discovers a cup of coffee. Warm.

"That's strange..." Emma says cautiously as Killian looks up and raises his eyebrows.

"What's up, Love?" 

"This coffee, it's still warm. I shot Hades dead hours ago. Who else would've been here?"

"I don't know about that, Swan. But we best be on our guard, shouldn't we?" Killian raises his gun as he stealthily walks towards the backdoor. Emma reciprocates.  

Killian gives Emma the signal to follow him on three. Using his fingers to count Emma fixates on the amount of calluses and raw texture his hands has. Snapping out of it, Swan follows her partner just like they did in training. Just like they practised many times.. 

"Woah Emma. What's the deal?." Emma looks perplexed, Killian can tell her mind was somewhere else. "I just mean.. I said to check the alley door whilst I checked the adjoining room. I've gone and done that Swan, but you seem to be stuck in some mud.."

"I'm sorry Killian, I was just trying to work it out." Emma lies, fortunately something she is talented at.

"Work what out Love?"

"This. Hades. Why would he run away from me, over some crystal? And what even is an Olympian Crystal?"

"Love, this is why I wanted your father here. He knows all about the malarkey. He could help us Swan." Killian walks towards Emma about to offer his hand until they were both disturbed by a noisy crash outside in the alley. 

Killian is out of the door immediately and follows the direction of the source of that mysterious sound. Emma follows but not too close so she can remain alert this time. Instantly, Killian spots a man with red hair running away. 

"Stop! Police!" Killian yells so loud his voice reverberates against the tall brick walls. 

The man running begins to slow down and laughs. Emma manages to catch up with them and her jaw drops.


"Hades by any chance?" Killian interrupts. "Funny that. There was me thinking you were capable of killing someone. Bloody hell Swan. Guess I don't need to worry about my own ass anymore." He grins right before Emma elbows him in the guts and approaches Hades. 

"How..? I watched you die before my own eyes. I even took your pulse. Nothing. Yet you're still standing there." Emma steps forward, pacing herself slowly so he doesn't run away. Again. 

Hades begins to start laughing again. 

"Well that wouldn't be fun, would it? If I revealed my clever little magic trick." Hades' smirk is wider than the Joker's. "Although I will give you a little bit of advice. Generally speaking, to take someone's pulse whilst they're unconscious, they would have to have a pulse whilst they're conscious."

Emma takes a while to process what he said whilst Killian whispers,

"Bloody hell.." Killian starts to shake his head in disbelief. As Killian steps forward to stand by Emma's side he asks hesitantly, "You're not alive, are you?"

Hades begins to smirk again,

"So pretty boy does have brains after all!" 

"Alright mate, no need to get sarcastic. Swan, do you have cuffs on hand?"

Emma pulls them out into her hands and approaches Hades who starts to back up. 

"There's nowhere for you to run Hades, I'd suggest you stop right now. For your own sake." Emma looks at him sternly to show that she is serious. 

Unsurprisingly, Hades slips a smirk and raises his hand, causing Emma and Killian to immediately point their guns at him.  In a sudden split second Hades is gone. 

Gone like the wind. 

Emma and Killian look at each other in shook. 

"Bloody hell, what just happened Swan?"

"How am I supposed to know Killian?! I don't everything.." Emma snaps,  glaring at Killian for such a stupid question.

Killian is taken aback by Emma's attack. 

"I'm sorry love, I shouldn't have said that." In his attempt to change the topic, "Shall we grab a coffee on our way back to the station?" Emma sighs and walks away and decides to go home. 


Author's Note// I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Please keep voting and commenting, it means so much to me. Also let me know if there are any mistakes, I'll happily correct them :))

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