Chapter Twelve-Finally

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Josh and I finally got to come home. It was a miracle. A blessing. Amazing! We had to wait a month to go back on tour though, which kinda sucked.

We were welcomed back home by Tyler and Jenna with a chocolate cake. Jenna made it, and it was delicious!

"So, how was the hospital?" Tyler asked, sarcastically, eating cake and laughing.

"Haha, funny." I said sarcastically, giving him a glare and then smiling after. 

"Did you see our live stream a few days ago?" I asked, snickering.

"Yeah! It was hilarious!" Jenna said, while eating a piece of cake and almost accidentally spitting it out of her mouth from laughter.

Josh and I had a lot of resting to do. Our bodies hurt from, one, being in the car accident, and two, laying in those uncomfortable hospital beds for a week with nothing else to do. Josh and I later took a nap when Tyler and Jenna left. I had dreams. Crazy dreams. Nightmares.

It was a happy time, at first, but when the voices came, or my blurryface, everything was over.

Josh and I were enjoying the view of our tree house. The sun was going down and it was a beautiful sight.

"I love you, Jess." Josh said, kissing me. I loved him back more than he realized. Everything from there was a blur. Josh was pulled away by my blurryface as we both screamed and cried.

'Josh doesn't love you.'

'You don't need him.'

'You don't love Josh.'

'Don't act like you love Josh and he loves you. You hate each other.'

'Josh must be a good actor. He's just using you and hates you.'

The voices were telling me. No, no, no. I disagreed. I cried and cried and just told them no.

I woke up crying and breathing heavy. Josh instantly woke up and hugged me tight.

"D-do y-you love m-me?" I stuttered under the tears.

"Jess, of course I do. Never doubt that. Don't doubt me. Trust me." He said, hugging me tighter and closer, making me feel safe.

"S-s-save m-my he-eavy-y d-dirty s-s-soul-l." I stuttered.

"I'll save you any day. Especially your heavydirtysoul. Anything for you, love." Josh hugged me. I felt so loved and safe, despite what the voices said. I knew Josh loved me, and as he said, nothing was going to change that.

I tried to sleep for the rest of the night, but nothing worked. I counted, sang songs, and imagined happy things. I was so overly tired, but nothing worked. I ended up not sleeping for the rest of the night. I had woken up around 1:15 AM and never fell back asleep. Since I couldn't sleep, around 3:00 AM, I went downstairs to watch a movie. Actually, 3 movies. I watched 'Marley & Me', 'Radio Rebel', and 'The Game Plan'. I know, cheesy movies, but I kinda like them.

By the time it was morning, I ended up falling asleep on the couch as Josh came downstairs to make breakfast. He lightly kissed me on the forehead as I fell asleep. He left me alone as he cooked breakfast, but I soon woke up to the sweet smell of homemade pancakes, eggs, bacon, and hash browns. It smelled just like a morning on my Aunt Rita's farm. Beautiful.

"Good Morning, sunshine." Josh said, hugging me and kissing me on the forehead has he flipped the bacon.

"'Morning, highlighter head." I chuckled as he smiled.

"I have an amazing day planned for us." Josh explained, setting up the plates with food.

"Oh, really? What do we have planned here, Mister Dun?" I said, laughing.

"We are going on an adventure." Josh said, sitting down with our plates of food.

"What kind of adventure?" I asked curiously.

"We are... going on a cruise!" Josh exclaimed, smiling that smile of his that could cheer anyone up.

"A cruise? How come you never told me? We need to get ready!" I panicked.

"Don't worry. We have plenty of time. Tyler and Jenna are coming with us and Brendon and Sarah might..." He explained, going on his phone.

"How long are we staying for?" I asked, beginning to eat my pancakes.

"Nine days. Just us and our friends. It'll be so relaxing. A relaxing getaway." Josh put his phone down and grabbed my hands from across the table, looking into my eyes as we both smiled.

"That does sound like fun... Let's do it!" I exclaimed, finishing my breakfast as Josh's phone dinged, meaning he got a text message.

"Oh, it's Brendon. They're coming!" Josh then put his phone down and ran upstairs with me to pack.

"How are we getting there?" I asked, grabbing my suitcase out of the closet.

"A limo will pick us up and bring us to the docks." Josh explained, starting to grab clothes from the closet.

"Cool! I've never been in a limo..." I explained, packing clothes.

"You've been in a relationship with me for almost a year and a half and haven't gone in a limo yet? Dang, I thought I brought you on at least one ride!" Josh exclaimed, grabbing a duffel bag for shoes.

"Oh, well, maybe you brought me on one ride... I probably just don't remember." I grabbed my hair supplies from the bathroom at that moment.

Once we were finished packing, we heard a car horn outside. It was the limo, which already picked up Tyler and Jenna.

Once we climbed in, Josh said, "Hey, Ray? We're also gonna pick up Brendon and Sarah. Got it?" Ray was the limo driver. Ray gave a thumbs up and started driving. I could tell by the looks on their faces, Jenna was excited to see Brendon and Sarah (mostly Sarah), and Tyler wasn't very fond of it.

Once we picked up Sarah and Brendon, we were off to the docks to start are wild adventure.

You Saved My HeavyDirtySoul: A Josh Dun Fanfic (plus other characters)Where stories live. Discover now