Chapter Eighteen-Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad

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Life was terrible. Horrible. No good. Very bad. My parents came back. What could be worse? Nothing. Sydney and Charlotte felt the same way. And Jonny. Who's Jonny you ask? Jonny is our brother that no one ever talks about 'cause he's never around. But he actually responded out texts when we told him that Mom and Dad were in town. He felt the same way we all did.

I was at the mall with Josh the next day, and guess who I saw? Melissa, but guess who with? Tina. Tina Lucas. I know this sounds kinda petty, but they were whispering and pointing and looking at me, and I feel like they were talking about me. I know, I know, this sounds like middle school petty drama, but my anxiety doesn't let me just shake it off. I grabbed Josh's hand and squeezed it tight.

"What's wrong, Jess?" He turned to me as soon as I squeezed his hand. I pointed to Melissa and Tina.

"I feel like they're talking about me. They're whispering and pointing and looking at me."

"Jess, they're just immature. Ignore them. They need to grow up and act twenty seven, not seven." Josh replied, making me feel a little bit better. Then he said we could stay in Hot Topic as long as I wanted, which made me feel completely better. I ended up buying a bunch of stuff.

As we were leaving the mall, Tina and Melissa approached us.

"Oh, funny seeing you here, Beanie Girl." Tina fake smiled. "You too, highlighter head." Josh just tried to laugh it off. I rolled my eyes and we began to walk faster.

"Ooh, Beanie Girl is becoming Meanie Girl!" Melissa giggled. Josh and I, once again, rolled our eyes and walked faster, almost running.

"What, are you afraid of us?" Tina began to catch up to us along with Melissa.

"Just leave us alone and start acting your age." Josh replied to them, fed up with their pettiness.

"Why should we?" Melissa proclaimed.

"Here we go with the stupid obvious questions..." I uttered under my breath.

"What was that, Beanie Girl?" Tina got closer to me, cupping her hand to her ear. I just rolled my eyes as Josh glanced at me and we ran as fast as possible to the parking lot, laughing. We got to our car, out of breath, still laughing.

"Josh, you have great plans, just by face expressions." I managed to say, still laughing, pointing at him. He nodded, taking a sip of the RedBull he had left in the car.

As we were backing out of the parking lot, we came to a sudden halt. We had hit the car behind us, which was also backing out. We immediately got out to apologize to those people, when we noticed it was Tina and Melissa.

"Highlighter head, you're a terrible driver. You ruined our car!" Tina cried.

"Um, we're actually great drivers, you were probably the ones who were putting on your makeup for the clown convention." I shot back, making Josh snicker. Tina and Melissa just looked shocked.

"You're gonna pay for this damage!" Melissa wagged her finger in our faces. There was literally a scratch and a slight dent under the headlight. That was an easy fix, especially with the money Melissa had.

"Melissa, you should tell you dad on her. After all, you guys are stepsisters." Tina slightly smiled her evil smile.

"You're right, Tina! She already disrespected him! He's gonna hate her even more now!"

"Just like everyone in high school!" Tina giggled. Josh and I rolled our eyes and got back in our car, driving away, like the great drivers we were.


When we got home, I got a call from Ron.

"Hello?" I answered it, trying not to sound annoyed.

"Jess, I heard you damaged Melissa's car." He started out, sounding very serious.

"It was a complete accident." I explained.

"I don't care. You're paying." He sounded harsh.

"Okay, whatever." I said carelessly.

"Don't use that tone with me, young lady!" He yelled back.

"For the last time, I am not a child!" I yelled and hung up.

"I hate Ron." I sat next to Josh on the couch.

"You do not hate him. Hate is too strong of a word." Josh protested, scrolling through Instagram on his phone.

"Whatever. I just don't like him at all. I also don't like that Melissa is his daughter and that my mom came out of no where, basically forcing me to accept her. I shouldn't have to since she was never around for my life." I got really mad.

"Jess, just try to keep your cool and stay as calm as possible." Josh suggested, kissing me on the forehead and then going upstairs to grab his phone charger. I really thought about it. I mean, I could try being nicer. It's just, I'm very very sick of crap in my life, and my anxiety doesn't let me just shake things off.

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