Ms. Maryam: part 2

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You are still Kanaya. You wake up to see Rose's  face. You and her get breakfast with your friends, Virska, and Karkat. Both of them looked rather tired. Vriska was the one the nurses called Victoria or Vicky. She was obsessed with spiders and Pushed a boy named Travis of a cliff. He was a patient here too, he just wasn't as bad as you guys. You were aware that you were different, and perhaps not right in the head, but you felt that you were a troll. The people here were trying to fix you, but they were doing an incompetent job. You wished they let your were your dresses, instead of the clothes they'd make you were. Thankfully, Rose was kind enough to let you use her makeup. After lunch you and Karkat played cards. You won most of the time.
"Oh come on! Your probably cheating!" He pouted.
"Well, luck and probability are apart of the game. And strategy"
"Let me shuffle and deal next time."
"I mean, if it makes you feel better." You replied, handing him the deck. You proceeded to play a few more games before heading back to your room. Later, you and Rose watched TV. Simon was there too, but your dreams said he was Sollux. He was bipolar, and wore 3D glasses for some reason. Despite his problems, and still receiving help from the hospital, he was sane enough to work here. You returned to your room and stared at the framed picture your "parents". You knew you were raised by your lusus, The Virgin Mother Grub. Those people in your picture weren't your real parents, they stuck you in here. They were scared of you. An official walked into your room.
"Due to what happened with Mrs. Johnson, you are suspended from walking the corridors when ever you please." You growled in response. "And I expect you to apologize to her when she gets better." He slammed the door on his way out. You dug your nails into your skin, drawing blood. You sat on the cold, white floor, smearing blood into the tiles. You licked the blood from your hands, and arms. You sprawled out onto the now blood stained floor. It felt cold against your back. You sighed and closed your eyes, letting your muscles relax on the damp tiles. Rose come in and accidentally hits you in the leg with door.
"I'm sorry," she said. She sat on your bed. "So I heard you ate Mrs. Johnson."
"So... you found out..."
"Of course I did"
"How'd they know it was me?"
"Cameras." She was avoiding eye contact. You could tell she didn't really like you. You admit you have a crush on her, but would she really fall for someone in a mental asylum? The answer was no, she wouldn't, you know she's smarter than that.

A/N: sorry this one was a lot shorter than the last chapter. Also, I'm not that good at getting personalities right, I'm sorry if they seem out of character.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2018 ⏰

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