Visiting the Avengers [Part 2: Loki the Boyfriend]

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Jacklyn's POV

Tony and I came back out, meeting back up with Loki and now Thor who found his brother.

"Lady Jacklyn! It's wonderful to see you and my brother! How have you two been?" Thor said as I got right next to Loki and went on holding hands with him.

"We've been good, Thor. Loki has been enjoying the mansion. Even being a little better around people in general."

"And I see the Man of Iron has seen you two are a couple. I am actually very surprised that he is even letting Loki be here."

"Loki is her plus one for the party I'm throwing, Thor. Besides, I know how to adapt to situations like that." Tony said as he smiled fakely.

"Well, they must see our other friends." Thor said as he started yanking me to the direction of the kitchen. There Clint and Natasha were, making sandwiches.

"Jacklyn? It's been forever since I've seen you here!" Clint said until he saw Loki enter right after me.

"What is that Rudolph reject doing here?"

"He is my boyfriend." I stated.

"That's lovely, Jacklyn! I'm so happy for you..." Natasha said with gritted teeth.

"Thanks, Nat and Clint. Now I better go meet the others. I'll see you two later." And we left before both of them could start giving me the whole, you could do better shpeal.

We then went into the living room area where Steve was watching some TV. Then he noticed that I came in and was smiling from ear to ear.

"Steve! It's wonderful to see you! I've missed you!" I ran over to give Steve a big hug, which he gladly returned. His smile quickly faded when Loki entered the room.

"Loki? What are you doing here? Are you here to try to defeat us again?" Steve said as he held onto me defensively.

"Oh brother, this again..." Loki rolled his eyes and huffed. I had to quickly explain this to Steve then leave.

"He is my boyfriend. He is fine." I said, quickly breaking away from Steve's hug and he looked at me stunned.

"I'll see you later, Steve." I said as I ran and dragged Loki out with me.

"I feel like this whole thing was a big mistake. They are all going to hate you because they hate me with a burning passion." Loki being sincere as he held onto my hand.

"They will get over it once the party starts. Let's just go see Bruce." I said but Loki didn't follow.

"I love you, darling, but maybe I shouldn't go with you to meet your friends right now. I'll just go into your room." Loki kissed me on the cheek and left for my room.

I sighed as I started to go over to the lab where Tony and Bruce work. I walked in the doorway and found the both of them messing around with a computer of some sort.

"Hey boys! How are the science brothers today?" I said, Bruce and Tony looking up from their latest work.

"Jacklyn, it's wonderful to see you again. I was wondering who Tony brought here without anyone knowing about it. What a lovely surprise you are." Bruce said as he pushed up his glasses and gave me a hug.

"It's wonderful to see you too. But you'll probably hate me by the end of the day."


"Tony let me bring a guest with me, which is my boyfriend Loki."

Bruce froze like everyone else did so far when hearing that news.

"Well, that was quite... unexpected. But I would never hate you. Even if you are dating an evil person. Besides, he must not be extremely evil now, or you would have canned him awhile ago. I trust you make good decisions, Jacklyn. You have a good head on your shoulders."

Bruce was probably the first one to take it so well. I eyed Tony, giving him the I told you so look. He just quickly rolled his eyes.

"Thank you, Bruce, you are probably the one and only person that has faith in me and my decisions."

"I just don't see you as a spurr of the moment kind of person, Jacklyn. Unlike Tony."

"Hey! At least I don't bring a supreme evil Prince God guy without anyone's permission!"

I felt that hatred. He now just made me sound like I waltzed in here with a bad guy for the fun of it. Tears ran down my face as Tony stared at me. He knew he struck a nerve.

"Loki is not really evil. If all of you could just accept that people can change, then you wouldn't have a problem with Loki!" I quickly turned around and left the room, returning to my room.

Loki saw my face, the tears running down my face. He wore a face of pure concern. Without a word he held me in his arms. He guided me to the bed and kept holding me.

"I'm sorry, Jacklyn. I should have never come here." He quietly said as he combed my hair with his fingers.

"It's not your fault at all, Loki. It's mine. I knew it was not going to work from the start. But I thought that there could be a possibility... just a possibility that they would not freak out. I guess I was wrong. I'm sorry I dragged you in this, Loki." I said as Loki held me tight in his arms. I could hear his soothing heart beat in his chest.

"I'll always be there for you, Jacklyn. Misfits like us have to stick together."

I lightly laughed as Loki tried to cheer me up a little.

"You have saved me, Jacklyn. You have saved me from a lifetime of pain and misery. I'll always be there for you. Forever and ever." He said as he kissed my forehead. I raised my head, our eyes meeting.

"I love you, Loki."

"I love you too, Jacklyn"

We kissed, the beautiful spark still there.

"Jacklyn? Are you okay?" A voice came from the door, it sounded like Tony...

I had to break from my kiss and answer the door. I mouthed a 'Sorry Loki',he just flashed a smiled and nodded. I opened the door and there was Tony.

"Are you alright, Jacklyn?"

"I'm a little better than I was, but that's because my boyfriend comforted me." I said as I wiped tears from my eyes that were still there.

"I'm sorry for that moment I sorta blew up. I wasn't thinking." Tony said as he looked at me, actually being sincere.

"That's what I needed, thank you." I said as I ruffled his hair in his head. He looked at me as if I had lost my mind.

"So, you are okay?"

"Better than I was before you apologized." I smiled and he looked confused.

"Am I missing something here?"

"Well, that just depends on your perspective. Now if you will excuse us, Mr. Stark, we need to do a little unpacking." He nodded and shut the door. Loki then walked to the door and locked it.

"Now, where were we?"

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