I Never Dreamed of This

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Alexander looked at them confused, and appalled.
"Alex, it's your weekend with the kids," Eliza said gently.
"It's what?" He looked up at her and then back down at her hand. Her delicate fingers were interlocked with his enemies, "what is going on? Why is he here?"
Eliza closed her eyes and sighed, "are we really back to this again?"
"I'll go wait in the car," Thomas said as he kissed her head, and then bent down to tell the kids goodbye. He kissed Angelica's head, and hugged Phillip, "I'll see you Monday, love you."
"Back to what?" Alexander said, becoming increasingly angered with Thomas.
"I'll see you in a minute," Eliza let go of his hand has he walked away, and Alexander's view changed, he could see what looked like an engagement ring on her finger- an engagement ring that was not his.
"What the hell is that?" Alexander grabbed her hand to look closer at the ring.
"That's my engagement ring, Alexander. What has gotten into you?" She pulled her hand from his grip. "I thought you had come to terms with me getting remarried," she let out a deep sigh, "Thomas and I are going to look at wedding venue's in Virginia, so if something happens and you need someone to watch the kids Peggy said she'd handle it." She extended her other arm with the children's overnight bag.
"What?" Alexander's voice broke, "you're going where? Why are you going anywhere with Thomas Jefferson-" his voice broke, "Eliza, what is going on?"
Eliza shook her head, "I really thought we had moved past this, Alex. I have to go or we'll miss our flight." She bent down to tell the kids goodbye as Alexander stood wondering just how he had let everything get so messed up.

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