Chapter 3

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 Nicole sat at her desk picking through her Caesar salad. The green lettuce curled over as she brushed her silver fork against them. She pushed the china bowl away. As she did she admired her new French manicure.

 “Miss Jung!” a young voice squeaked over the intercom.

 “Marlow, is it?” Nicole said as she picked upper cappuccino “come in!” Harlow raced through the automatic doors. Only taking a second to admired the ivory tiles of Nicole’s office. He then slowed down, wanting to remember the first time he had been allowed in Nicole’s office. He could smell the freshly ground coffee beans from her cappuccino. The icy breeze from the air condition blew his blond hair about. He wanted to remember the office forever. He placed the file on her mahogany desk. The wood had only recently been polished and it gleamed like a diamond.

 “You can sit down, Marlow.” Nicole smiled. Harlow nervously seated himself in one of the chocolate coloured suede chairs.

 “My name is… Harlow.” He said.

 “Oh dear, so sorry about that… so what do you need to talk about.” Nicole placed her china mug down in front of her.

 “There’s been a breach… in security!” Harlow said.

 “What?!?” exclaimed Nicole. Her eyes widened and started to resemble dinner plates.

 “Yes, they’ve taken information on the identity of our…” Harlow was interrupted from his incoherent rambling.

 “Who are ‘they’?” Nicole demanded.

 “As of yet we don’t kno-“ Once again Harlow was cut off.

 “Nicole, they stole Lilith’s cousin!” Yuri shouted as she ran through the door. She tracked a few imprints of dirt in the otherwise pristine tiles.

 “Who?” Nicole jumped from her desk and accidentally spilled here cappuccino. Harlow quickly stopped it from touching the computer. He then shook his scolded hand.

 “I don’t know for sure but I think it was the Enma gang!” Yuri said. She casually sat in the chair next to Harlow.

 “Wait the ninja’s cousin has gone missing?” Harlow asked.

 “Yes,” Nicole sighed, “not a good listener, are we?”

 “I will do anything to help you find the cousin!” he said.

 “Okay, he’s twelve and his name is Dorian Amelin…” Yuri said. Harlow left with the two statements on his list, “don’t you need more info?”

 “Don’t worry, he’s great with computers, like me!” Nicole said. She pulled her computer towards herself. Nicole typed fiercely into her keyboard. A few beeps and suddenly her eyes widened and glowed.

 “Jackpot!” she yelled.

 “What?” Yuri swiftly pushed herself up and leaned in.

  “The Enma gang are having a masquerade ball tonight in their California Mansion, you can take this as an opportunity to infiltrate their base.” Nicole quickly printed off two fake tickets.

 “I have nothing to wear!” Yuri protested.

 “Hmm, bring Lilith down to our on-site boutique, you won’t be disappointed!” Nicole smiled. Yuri gave Nicole a big hug and a huge grin and left to go home.

Ninja AssasinsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon