Yellow (Troffy)

45 4 0

AU: Soulmates

Trigger warnings: Blood mentions, death mentions

Time slowed as colour began to drain from my vision, the vibrant green of the grass-covered landscape fading to grey. My stomach convulsed, my whole body lurching forward as I fought the violent urge to throw up. My head was mere inches away from the dashboard of Ross' car, my eyes fixed on the red lining of the floor mat as it began to match the car's dull interior. Pain flooded my hands as my nails broke the flesh of my palms. It took mere seconds and an entire lifetime for the colours to disappear completely. I was screaming, my mouth opened as wide as it would stretch, the sound completely alien to me.

Ross slammed his foot on the brake, the sound of screaming rubber piercing the air, "Chris! Jesus Christ, What the fuck is going on?" There was a sense of pure panic in his voice. I felt his hands on my left shoulder, pushing me upright in my seat.

"They're gone. The colours, they're all gone. Oh fuck, what do I do?" I was hysterical, tears pouring from my eyes in waves. My mouth tasted bitter, the saltiness of my own tears spilling onto my tongue. The urge to throw up overwhelmed me again. My head dropped into my bloodied hands, the warmth of the dark crimson substance sending shudders down my spine.

Ross inhaled sharply, "Then that means- Oh God- Alex is dead?" Horns blasted behind as he spoke, the realisation that we'd stopped in the middle of a well-used but narrow road hitting us both simultaneously. Ross drove forward until it was safe to pull over. My mind ran rampant as he did so. Alex Smith was my soulmate, he was the reason I was able to see colours at all with such startling clarity. That's just what happened when you met your soulmate. If the colours had just gone... A fresh wave of tears hit my cheeks, mingling with the smears of blood left by my bleeding palms. I sobbed, my chest heaving, my hands shaking. Lifting my head from my hands, I glanced out of the window, gasping. 

A single yellow daffodil shone against the grey landscape. Hope was not entirely lost. I stared at it for a few moments. Its influence rocketed across the greying grass. Colour burst forth from every surface. I struggled against my own cocktail of emotions, watching in awe as the intensity grew stronger, like the gradual increase in a patient's pulse.

My phone vibrated in my pocket, a woman's voice flooding my eardrums as I answered, "Mr Trott? Your husband was involved in an accident."

"He's alive," I exhaled shakily, not a question but a statement, "Alex is alive." 

The car roared back to life as Ross twisted his key in the ignition. I took one last glance out of the window, gnawing on my lower lip. The yellow daffodil grinned at me, its vibrant green petals waving goodbye.

Everything was going to be okay. 

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