Drawing (Smornby)

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AU: Imaginary friend

Crayons lay scattered across the dining room table as I ran my hand over the waxy surface of my drawing. Nervousness settled in the base of my stomach as I glanced over the array of scribbles on the page. There was a couple of spaces where I'd rushed, colouring over the lines. I sighed inwardly, pushing the feeling of disappointment out of my mind. Alex would like my drawing. I know he would. My mum shuffled into the room, humming along to the music she had playing on the radio. She had my lunch clutched in her hands, probably a ham sandwich with a yogurt and crisps. I smirked, suddenly realising how hungry I was. As if on cue, my stomach growled noisily, like the growl a dog makes just before it barks.

"Ross, can you clear the table please," my mommy asked, holding a small tray of food in her hands. I hurried to put my crayons back in their box, leaving my drawing unaccompanied in the process.

"This is really good, sweetie. It's of you and Alex, right?," Mommy was holding my drawing in her hands, the tray placed precariously on the edge of the table. After nodding in her general direction, I hurried to push my food further onto the oak surface. My mommy made the best lunches, I didn't want it to get ruined falling on the floor. "You want me to stick it on the fridge?" She asked, her voice soft.

"No, it's not for you mommy, it's for Alex," I mumbled. She smiled sweetly, her greyish eyes twinkling with warmth.
"You seem to get on well with Alex, Ross," she handed me back my drawing, running her hand through my thick, dark hair. I wolfed down my food as quickly as I could, ignoring my mommy' stern warnings about getting 'indigestion,' whatever that was. Finally, I was finished, earning my mom's approval to go outside and play once I'd put my plate in the kitchen sink.

Before my dad went away to be in the army, he made me an amazing treehouse. It wasn't very high up because mommy was scared I'd fall and die (she's so silly, isn't she?) but it was warm and it was fun.

I pushed the door opened, greeted instantly by Alex's mop of auburn hair. I grinned, remembering the paper I held in my hands a few moments later.

"Do you like it?" I whispered, my hands shaking nervously as I presented my drawings to Alex.

"Like it? No, Ross, I love it," he grinned, turning to face the treehouse wall, "you should hang it up for me right there." I grabbed some blu-tact from my arts and crafts box, sticking the picture to the wall as soon as I possibly could.

"For someone you made up in your imagination, I don't look half bad, Ross," Alex teased, leaning forward to kiss my cheek. I blushed. I just wish he was real.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2017 ⏰

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