chapter five.

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emily's pov-

it's been two days since the concert and i've done nothing but feel guilty for not telling my parents about what happened.

after thinking, a lot, i decided i need to tell them today.

i walk downstairs and sit with them at the kitchen table. all i can think about is how terrified i am. what if they freak out and kick me out of the house? what am i going to do then?

"hey, sweetie." my mom says.

"hey mom, hey dad."

"are you ok? you seem off." my mom says.

"um, no actually. i need to tell y'all something." i say hesitantly.

"what is it, em?" my dad says worriedly.

"well... um, you guys know how i was dating jake, right?"

"was? i thought you still were, what happened?" my mom asked.

"do y'all remember a few weeks ago when y'all had your date night?"

"yeah.." they said in unison.

"well, i invited jake over so we could have a movie night and just hangout. so after awhile we went up to my room to listen to music like usual, you guys know we do that every time we hangout." i say choking up a little at the end, and looking up to them.

"yes, we know." my mom says.

"well, we started kissing and it got kinda heated, i started to guess where it was headed. i didn't want that so i tried to stop him, but h-he wasn't having it."

"what happened, emily?" my dad asks.

"h-he, um, he raped me." i whispered, crying.

"oh, honey." my mom said, getting up and hugging me.

"but, that's not all..."

"there's more?" my dad asks.

"yeah, i'm, i'm pregnant." i told them as i started to sob.

"no, this can't be happening." my mom said.

"you're kidding, right?" my dad said.

"what? no, why would i lie to you guys about this?"

"how could you let this happen?!" my dad says very mad.

"dad, i tried to stop it!"

"but, you didn't did you?!"

"eric, leave it be. she couldn't have stopped it even if she wanted to."

"get out of my house. now." my dad says.

"what? dad. no. please."

"GET OUT." he yells.

all i hear as i run out of the house sobbing is my mom crying, telling him it's not my fault, that i had no control over what happened.

the only place i knew to go to was our barn, my safe place.


when i got to the barn my crying had slowed down a little, but not much.

i walked out to the pasture where my horse was, all i could do was sit there with the only thing that wouldn't hate me.

after just sitting in the grass for about ten minutes, i decided i would do the only thing that would make me feel better, ride my horse.

i got up and went inside the barn to get a halter and lead rope, then went back out there to get him.

"hey, baby boy." i said, and he lifted his head.

i put the halter on him, and led him inside. when we got inside i tied him up to a stall and saddled him up.

when i was done putting the bridle on him i got a text from a random number.

hey! it's shawn.

oh, hey.

are you ok?

yeah, i'm fine.

oh, well i was wondering if you wanted to hangout?

uhh, sure! i'm at my barn, you can come out here. the address is 124 lake shore dr.

ok cool. see you soon!

i put my phone back in my pocket and went out to the arena. i know it's not good to ride while being pregnant, but i had an instructor when i was younger that rode up until the day she had her baby, and the baby turned out just fine. plus, this was the only thing that could make me feel better at the moment.

hey guys! sorry i didn't update yesterday i didn't feel like writing lol. this is kind of a cliffhanger btw the next chapter will continue where this one left off

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