disclaimer / author's note

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i'm absolutely against trump and his policies. i know during the election the idea of trump becoming president seemed like a joke but after he won the presidency things stopped being quite so funny. i'm leaving this story up but i felt like i needed to clarify how i feel on the issues. as a lesbian woman of color obviously i'm not going to benefit from trump's presidency—not to say i'm entitled to benefits, but it would be nice to have my president view me as someone who deserves to have equal rights. trump is an absolute joke and it's hard to fathom that we, the people, elected that man into office.  i was not in support of clinton during the election, either. neither of the two were going to better our nation and i'm shocked that we had let it come down to those two choices. the only reason i wouldn't want trump to be impeached is because having pence as president would be equally as bad. this story is obviously a work of fiction and is clearly satire and shouldn't be taken seriously. that's all

- kristin xx

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