Chapter 1 - Houston

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This was my moment. Five months in the equivalent of hell has prepared me for this evening and you want to know how I spent the last thirty minutes before the mask ceremony began? Throwing up in the men's bathroom. Super gross, I know (I was the one watching my dinner disappear into the toilet after all), but it just goes to show you how nervous I was. My training session with other Knight rookies ended roughly two days ago and I didn't so much as whimper, didn't even blink, when having to deal with the different drills that Sergeant Kins threw our way. Yet here I am, face down in the toilet, nervous about the ceremony that I know will change my life. It doesn't help me either that my folks came to see the ceremony despite believing that the Mask I received wasn't going to be special in the slightest bit. Hell, I still remember the conversation we had last night when I told them I wanted them to attend tonight's ceremony. Pops didn't even miss a beat.

"Name one new Knights of Order member that got a Mask that wasn't just a repeat of what hundreds, we can even say thousands, of others have gotten already. Go on, I'll wait."

I couldn't name a single one, proving my Pops's point. And while it killed me on the inside to think that I was just going to be another average Joe, part of me hoped to get a Mask that was different from the rest. Not really so I can stand out, but so that my folks get a different perspective of me and what I'm choosing to do with my future in their head. I just wanted them to be proud of me, though this whole Knights business has brought them more disappointment than when I told them I was dropping out of college to pursue this newfound goal of mine.

A subtle knock on the door brought me out of the internal crisis that I was having on the "throne" with a soft, concerned voice coming from the other side. It was probably the bathroom attendant, who was most likely wearing some worried face on the other side of this baby blue partitions door at the sound of me dying in here. "E-Excuse me sir but...are you alright?"

"Not really, no," I croaked out honestly, my insides feeling emptier than a fridge in the projects. The bathroom attendant didn't say a word, and glancing back, I didn't see the pristine white shoes that stood on the opposite side of the door move, so I knew he wasn't about to leave to get help. Was he trying to think of his next move? Ya know what? I don't even care anymore. Momma didn't raise no wimp who let nervousness keep him stuck in a bathroom. Granted she didn't raise a guy that chased after the impossible either... you know what, that's besides the point!

After making sure that I wasn't about to be throwing up again any time soon, I quickly got up and exited the stall, freaking out the unfortunate soul that was waiting on me. He practically jumped out of my way as I headed straight for the sink, using my hands to bring water to my face to gargle. When I finally went to spit, I did it as if I owned the place, as if I was the one who lead the Knights of Order. Which I know is really silly given that I haven't even officially become a member of the organization yet; I just needed to give myself a little confidence boost is all. I already had the appearance of a boss, my turquoise suit being tailor made with the money I had saved up prior to hell camp- er...I mean boot camp. My hair was also looking pretty spiffy too, with a fresh haircut (along with a clean shaven face) that let others know that I mean business. Ooooor that I know how to appear presentable in public and not be an utter disgrace to my family name. Both options work for a conversation, it's just a matter of who I use which line on and why. That's neither here nor there though, because after a few breaths in and out, I was ready to roll. My normal caramel brown hue was already beginning to return as well, which was good, because the last thing I wanted was for the handful that did care about me to ask if I was feeling ill. However, even with things starting to look up for me, one major problem remained: the fact that my breath, even after the rinse cycle I just gave it, probably smelled awful. And I didn't have any mints either... I guess I can just keep my mouth shut and no one will know that—

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2017 ⏰

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