47: Memorial

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Happy Memorial Day. Remember those that have sacrificed for our freedom.

Peter blinked back tears as the line of soldiers trudged slowly back to the castle, it was a victorious win, but every battle came with casualties. Twenty soldiers had been slain. Twenty families wouldn't see their loved ones for a long while until Aslan's Country. He and his siblings would have to tell twenty families, that crushed his soul.

Lucy ran out to meet them, smiling slightly, yer her face was also sad.

"How many died?" She asked softly after hugging her brothers. Peter smiled and hugged her.

"Only twenty." He said. Lucy bit her lip as Edmund handed her the list.

"Mr. Kiplin the Leopard died? But... but their cubs..." She trailed off, tears filling her eyes.

Peter looked down. Kiplin and Mayla had cubs barely a month ago.

"And Lemmet, Jale, and Monterey." She read out a few of them. Edmund took the list away from her.

"Listen, Lu. I know we can't give those families what they really want, but we can give them what they will need for the next few months, money, we can make sure their homes are in fine condition and we can make sure they are living alright. It's the least we can do." Edmund said gently. Lucy nodded.

"I know."

It was silent after that.

"King Edmund, King Peter, d-did my Kiplin make it?" Mayla came out to meet them, Peter couldn't bear to look at her.

"No. I'm so sorry. I honestly am. He died protecting us. I would have done anything including giving up my own life." Edmund was saying gently. Mayla sniffed slightly. Her two cubs, Saria and Davi toddled out from behind her. Lucy scooped Davi up and let her tears fall into his soft fur. Peter picked up Saria, Saria cooed softly and batted at his face.

"I'm sure we can find you a job around Cair Paravel when the cubs get older, until then we will be sure to pay you the same, Kiplin was a friend to us all." Lucy said. Mayla smiled gratefully.

"Thank Aslan for you and your kindness. I'm sure when you get to Aslan's Country you will be greatly rewarded. All Kiplin ever wanted to do since he heard you four had arrived in Narnia was serve in you army." She said. Peter nodded. Edmund was struggling not to cry. He finally said.

"We appreciate your husband's service towards us. May we never take it for granted."

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