Mii Team, Warriors1 and Other Characters Power, Weapon and Abilities

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This is the new part about the Mii Team, Warriors1 and Other Characters Team Power, Weapon and Abilities. The Power, the Weapon and the Abilities they're use and appear in Slush Kiki Series by Kiki. There is the list of the everybody team:
Mii Team:
Mii: Power: Element; Weapon: Magic Weapon
Phoenix: Power: Fire; Weapon: Soccer Ball
Electro: Power: Thunder; Weapon: Blaster
Blank: Power: Earth; Weapon: Sai
Rim: Power: Wind; Weapon: Staff
Roy: Power: Water; Weapon: Harpoon
Xiana Xu: Power: Aura; Weapon: Magic Weapon
Erika: Power: Water; Weapon: Sword
Phyros: Power: Fire; Weapon: Hammer
Levinia: Power: Heart; Weapon: Bow
Diamond: Power: Diamond; Weapon: Sai
Pearl: Power: Pearl; Weapon: Trident
Henry: Power: Earth; Weapon: Sniper Rifle
Max: Power: Thunder; Weapon: Blaster Gun
Tyler: Power: Plasma; Weapon: Axe
Karma: Power: Steel; Weapon: Nunchuck
Yaino: Power: Psychic; Weapon: Katana
Emerald: Power: Gem; Weapon: Dagger
Justin: Power: Atomic; Weapon: Hidden Blade
Wester: Power: Ice; Weapon: Staff
Easter: Power: Crystal; Weapon: Claw
Killa: Power: Wind; Weapon: Blade
Souther: Power: Mirror; Weapon: Buster
Leo: Power: Polaris; Weapon: Shield
Kanade: Power: Nature; Weapon: Tomahawk
Kine: Power: Light; Weapon: Gauntlet
Martina: Power: Jewel; Weapon: Dual Fan
Sophia: Power: Music; Weapon: Magic Guitar
Kyoatsu: Power: Dark; Weapon: Scythe
Kia: Power: Laser; Weapon: Boomerang
Minor Characters Team:
Stick Kiki Family, The Slushers Family Team, RHG, Dojo's Duelist, Other Stick Figures Heroes, Hetalia Team, Video Game Heroes Team, Movie Heroes Team, Cartoon Heroes Team, Anime Heroes Team, Other Dimension Heroes Team, Citizens, Villagers, Work And Job People, Kids, Teenagers, Animal And Other Characters Team: All Power; All Weapon
Mii Team, Warriors1 and Minor Characters Team abilities:
Water-breath, Super Speed, Super Strength, Smart, Martial Art, Parkour, High Jump, Skill, Flight, Invisible, Vision, Manipulation, Bubble-Breath, Bulletproof, Teleport, X-ray, Mind Reading, Telekinesis, Language, Inmortal
Phoenix, Electro and Phyros abilties: Waterproof
Note: Mii Team, Warriors1 and Minor Characters Team Power, Weapon and Abilities is only appear in my book and my story. Unlike you guy book and you guy story, they're the original team. In my story, Phoenix, Electro, Phyros and everybody have the Waterproof abilities, they're like the water same like the other team member.

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