Imagine 4: Gally

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My hands were swiftly going over the strings, playing a beautiful I've had in my head since I came up from the Box. The instrument I was playing came up in with me. It's called a guitar. After I got myself together and came apart of this civilization in a Maze, filled with only boys or young men. They call themselves Gladers, and the newbies Greenies. Each month a new "Greenie" comes up the Box, while every week, we get supplies. 

I've only been here for almost two months, and I fit right in. It seems everyone loves me. Even the grouch of the Gladers, Gally. Speaking of him, I can't get my mind off of him. 95% of my time consists of Gally, while the other 5% is of music. 

He is very muscular, and handsome, with beautiful green eyes. Although his eyebrows are quite unusual, but still they suit him very well. I stare out at him, working on a project to rebuild some of the homestead. We had a storm recently and it messed up the homestead pretty bad. Anyway, as I just sit, at the edge of the Deadheads, strumming the same tune. 

Green eyes, you're the one that I wanted to find, and anyone who tried to deny you, must be out of their mind...

My humming started to turn into the lyrics of the song. The song reminded me of something- no more like someone. You must be thinking "oh I know, its Gally". Well you're right, so there you go, point taken. I mean it was pretty obvious. The song was a soft sweet tune and very beautiful. The Gladers even enjoyed it when I sang to them. It may have been the same song over and over, but it was enough entertainment to satisfy them. 

I've also noticed when I preform for the Gladers, I look over at Gally, and it's as if he softens up. There is this look in his eye, this gleam that would sparkle from the firelight of our bonfire. Sometimes I catch him smiling, like he was happy. It seemed to me that my voice must be a weakness of his. My heart melts when he smiles, and his eyes are just flawless. 

Lost in my daze singing, strumming my guitar, I hadn't noticed that someone was standing in front of me. My head looked at the shoes standing right there, looking up I started to realize that Gally was standing in front of me. His arms were folded but had a small smile on his face. Not so much as his smirk he has, but an actual smile. This was the Gally I truly loved. 

"Hey Gally, what's up?" I started to stutter losing my words, because this was unexpected. He chuckled at the sight of me blushing and shushed me. My cheeks were hot, like almost as hot as the sun. Again, chuckling he than grabbed my hand, and seemed to lead me farther into the Deadheads. My guitar in one hand, other in Gally's hand, we continued off for a while, until we reached a spot that I go into when I'm upset or somewhere I can feel free. How does he know this place? Wait, does he spy on me? 

"Y/N, there has been this thing I have been needed to tell you, but I just haven't had the courage.  I'm a coward, and useless. But I love you. Okay that's what I wanted to tell you, that I love you and I always have. I doubt  you even love me, nonetheless like me back, cause I'm such a horrible person." 

His head was down, like a little puppy who just got in trouble for pooping on the floor. As I lifted his head in my hand, a smile creeping on my face,  I moved closer. Once he got himself together, he as well started moving in. Our lips getting closer and closer. Finally they touch as if the longed for each other forever. 

Our lips fit perfectly for each other, moving in sync. It was magical, sparks and butterflies were in my stomach, bombs going off. I wished for this moment all this time, and it came true. Now I need it to be like this forever, but we stopped. Our foreheads touching, both of us grinning ear to ear. No words had to describe how we felt. 

"Gally, I love you so much, and I would love to be your girlfriend." I didn't need this special place anymore to feel free or at home. It was Gally all along. 

~i really like this one tbh. anyway thanks so much for reading, and don't forget, comment, vote and share. love you babes!!~


Question: What's up?

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