Chapter 3

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I opened my eyes.

The creatures were nowhere to be seen.

"Run!" a voice roared. I scanned my surroundings, ready to fire. I wasn't able to identify where the voice came from.

The cold air whipped across the terrain , whistling. None of the creatures were around.

I sprinted across to Suhail's body. I was mumbling, "This isn't happening...this isn't happening..." over and over again as I clung to my bestfriend.

I turned and looked back, but the shadows along the path had closed over. The sun had set.

My cartridge was nearly empty and I was out of ammunition. I sank back heavily against his body.

A million questions hit me . Do I take his body back ? How do I take it back ? Who were those creatures? Do I take Suhail's ammo?

well.. I decided to answer the last question first. I leaned over to take out his SIG pro 2022 semi automatic pistol.

" Pretty light for a handgun" I spoke out loud.

"I know right" replied a voice under me. I stared at him in total, comprehensive shock.

"WHATT THHHEE" I sprang back.

I examined his body. No wounds , no cuts, not a scratch. I reexamined him up to down, every inch. "I'm not single dude" he muttered.

" I don't understand ... how are you... you know .. alive?"

" I don't know really... I can't remember."

I didn't wanna press him further on the topic. A topic for some other conversation , some other time.

"We gotta get outta here ASAP"

"With you on that" He snorted.

Suhail was the first one to stand up . " Got your compass?" He asked.

" No. I had to drop my gear whilst chasing you".

He carefully laid his gear on the ground and then fumbled in his pouch and came up with a little bag, from which he dug a pinch gray ash. "Flour of Guinee, I call this," he explained, "a little trick Ashwin taught me" then crouched and began sprinkling the stuff on the dirt in a complicated geometrical pattern . A map.

Suhail allowed himself to relax a little behind his confident pose. "Here," he said, unslinging his pouch and tossing it . "You can dispose of the flour and rum ... and there's candy in there, too. I need a few minutes to figure this out " he continued.

Candy and Rum ? why would I hesitate?

" Got an extra torch?"

" Yea" he replied.

I took the bag to the shallow trench - my torch-cast shadow stretching ahead of me to the clustered leaves that walled the clearing - and let it thump to the ground. I stooped to get the bottle of rum, uncorked it with my teeth and then straightened and walked slowly around the trench, splashing the aromatic liquor on the dirt. When I had completed the circuit there was still a cupful left in the bottle, and I drank it before pitching the bottle away. There were also sacks of flour and candy balls in the bag, and I sprinkled these too around the trench, uncomfortably aware that my motions were like those of a sower irrigating and seeding a tract.

A metallic squeaking made me turn towards Suhail. He looked pleased that he had plenty of ammo.

" Time to go buddy"

I nodded.

We scaled down the mountain. Sunrise wouldn't be for another nine or ten hours and the prospect of the long walk sickened us

" Is it just me? or do you hear beeping too? " Suhail asked. He had sharp ears.

I had to concentrate. I could hear it too. I walked a few steps North West , towards the source.

My military senses kicked in and told me what a stupid thing I was doing. I could easily step on a landmine.

I found the source . A Detonator and a C4 attached to a tree's trunk.

The whole Island was rigged.

The timer read 00:49


Thanks a ton for your support guys ! The book has reached rank#132 in the mystery/ thriller genre ! Help me get it into the top 10 <3

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