OMG. IT'S. THE. UNDERTAKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Me: My GOD CIEL!!!


Me: you're so boring *rolls around*

Ciel: then play with your friends

Me: They all disappeared on me

Ciel: well go find them

Me: but that's so much work

Ciel; well do something

Me: can I help you?

Ciel: no

Me: please

Ciel: no

Me:*jumps on his lap facing him* why not

Ciel: b-because I said no


Ciel:*sigh* because I'm going to see the Undertaker

Me: REALLY!? can I come?

Ciel: no


Me: Omg I'm going to die!

Sebastian: looks like we came to the right place then

Me: hardy har har, very funny

Sebastian: *opens the door* after you

Me: why thank you

Ciel:*mutters something about how I was foolish*


Undertaker: good day me-lord

Ciel: hello Undertaker

Undertaker: I see you've added some one new to join you today*points to me* and what's your name

Me:*very red in the face* B-belle *shifts feet*

Sebastian:*leans to Ciel* is she being shy young master

Ciel: I do believe so, strange, very strange


Undertaker: hehe very cute you are miss Belle

Me: W-what, S-s-s-s-shut up!!!!!!!

Undertaker: *death hug's me*

Me: *stiff as wood*

Ciel: ahem, we're here for information not a love fest

Undertaker: hehe' me-lord I would not call this a love fest more of a hug fest

Me: nj yj jhb

Ciel: what?

Me:*push's him away slightly* NO IT'S NOT!

Ciel: so you want it to be a love fest

Me: N-no *runs back to them, clings to Sebastian*

Sebastian: my, my. is my poor kitten being shy

Me: s-shut up pouta

Sebastian: mind your manners kitten


Me: ' I wonder what's for dinner'*is sitting on Sebastian lap*





Ciel: BELLE!


Ciel: are you listening

Me: sorta

Ciel: okay what was I just saying?

Me: I donno

Ciel: listen then

Me: why it's not like you need me on this job

Ciel: yes I do need you and your female friends on this job

Me: WHAT!? why us!

Ciel: do I look like a girl

Me: you do in pink frilly dresses *smirks*

Ciel: How did y-you know that!?

Sebastian: she has said many times, "I know every thing"

Undertaker: so, this man has been after young girls that are out after dark

Me: why me Undertaker, why did you tell them * is now on his lap*

Undertaker: why not kitten

Me: what's with the "kitten" I have a name you know

Undertaker and Sebastian: yes we know

Me: Ciel.... how do you put up with these two

Ciel: I just can Belle

Me: thanks

And Now I'm in Black Bulter...... WAIT! WHAT?!Where stories live. Discover now