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Soft footsteps sound
Through the empty rooms as you're walking

Ground covered in leaves
Human, what is it that you want for mercy?
So is it just...
For you to still be kept safe?

You're urged to spare
Are you prepared?

Keep marching on
You were told to stay back at the room

What have you to say? Is this right?
What you're doing; not listening...
You should go back...
You should wait for Toriel

Please don't press fight...
This place decides...

Will you slay them?
Will you choose the path of genocide?

Or will you be good, and stay on
The path of the true pacifist?
Which will you choose?
Please, human, destroy our fear...

They keep waiting...
So patiently...
For your decision

How will you play?
Pacifist, Genocide, or Neutral?
Pick and choose...

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