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when jimin first met jeongguk two years ago, everything was beautiful. jeongguk always showed love and affection toward jimin, no matter what. he always took time out just for him, to buy him things, or treat him to any fancy restaurant.

it only took a year after they started dating that things would change so drastically. it was as if everything shifted gears.

suddenly jeongguk started coming home later than usual, and when jimin would ask about it, jeongguk would become irritable. it went from irritation to yelling, from yelling to calling jimin names, and from name calling to physical abuse.

even after a while, things never got any better. and jimin was scared. but he couldn't just up and leave jeongguk, he still loved him.

and who knows the things jeongguk would do if he found out jimin left him.

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hope everyone is ready for this

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