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jimin was bored out of his mind and nothing on the television was interesting. he spent his days longing for jeongguk to come back, but now he just wanted something to do, something to take his mind off his boyfriend.

he sighed and picked up his phone, which was lying right beside him on the couch. he went to the app store to find some games to play because he honestly didn't know what else to do. he downloaded some and played them.

soon they all got boring. just endless puzzles and obstacles all blending in and warping together. nothing made sense anymore.

deleting all his downloaded games, he went to safari to find something else to do and decided he wanted to find a chat site. since he wasn't allowed to leave his apartment, a chat site would be a nice place to chat with people and make new friends. he needed someone to talk to.

going to google, he searched up some chat sites. it didn't take long to load and soon there were rows and rows of chat sites jimin could choose from. he scrolled up and down, reading the descriptions until one website caught his eye:

he read the description carefully and decided he liked the direction it was going.

jimin tapped the website.

when it finished loading there were two options, log in or sign up. jimin tapped the sign up option and got to work making his account.

making his account didn't take long. just a phone number, email and a creative username. for the username, he chose mochimin; a mixture of his favorite dessert, mochi, and part of his real name. he quickly typed it in and was all ready to go.

welcome to, mochimin!

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surprise, surprise i actually updated lmao bet y'all weren't expecting this !! anyway, sorry that i haven't updated this story in a while, im still trying to work on it. since this is supposed to be a sad angsty story, im working on trying to portray those emotions properly so the story can turn out good :)

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