Chapter 15

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Jamie's pov

I took a few deep breaths as the elevator climbed the levels to my brothers floor.
As much as I loved to live on rage, I know I couldn't right now. I needed to calm down.

Jaxson will be furious when he hears about my run in with Hunter, I know he would not be careful about the new situation we'd landed in.

He will fear for his Angel and the last thing we needed was to scare the shit out of her.
I know he wouldn't bring her anywhere near La Volgia, he wouldn't leave her defenseless in the apartment either.
Even though it was hard to get in, we knew the mafia had some smarts.
Limited as it was.
Hunters men would find a way to reach us.

Running my fingers over the stubble on my jaw, I try and piece together a plan.
We're was safe?
Who did we trust above all others?
I didn't have many friends in the line of work I did, I know Jax's had even fewer.
He's like a fucking hermit.

And the doors slide open and I stepped out onto Jaxsons level, my mind finally starts working.


He would watch out for the angel when me and Jaxs was out at La Voliga tonight.
They couldn't stay here though, It was a risk Jaxson wouldn't take. She would have to be moved to O'riellys.

I decided to knock again, usually I would just let myself in but Jaxson would probably blow my head off by accident now.
Paranoid bastered.
He alway was but now it's just ten times worse.

I would take a bullet for my brother, he always had my back no matter what. As kids we were close, we still are now of course but things are different now.

I could read Jax's from time to time but he was a very closed of son of a bitch.
Sometimes I wondered if being a hit man played with his mind.  I could sleep at night without so much and a reminisce of the days blood shed but Jaxson never talked about it, he never seemed to enjoy it. He never seemed to hate it either.
It was difficult to understand his personality or views on this life we lived and breathed.

Maybe his angel will be his down fall or maybe she will bring him into some sort of light.
I do know one thing.
Good or bad, she was his life now. She was family and no one fucks with the family.


"So she hasn't left the bedroom?"


"And she hasn't eaten all day?"


Well shit.
Nursing a cup of strong coffee, I regard my brother to see that he looks as though he hadn't had a desent sleep in weeks.

"I took her breakfast in around noon, she was still asleep. She was on the floor, as far away from the door as possible. like she was trying to hid away from everything."

This was fucked up.
I didn't really know what to say to him. I knew the blonde would be traumatised from being in a place like La Voliga. She was damaged, not only physically but mentally too.

"Then when she woke up she just freaked out all over again. You should have seen her last night. I can't get the images out of my head."

This was the most emotion I had ever seen from Jaxson and I would be lying if I said it wasn't hitting me deep. He had a haunted look in his eyes, like he was playing whatever happened last night back in his head.

"You knew when when we took her last night that she wouldn't be an easy fix."

Instead of answering me he just hangs his head in his hands.

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