Chapter 17

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Jack's POV:

"Seriously Zack, you've gotta go with me. I'm not kidding."

"No, Jack, I'm not going to a baseball game with you. The only reason I go to Alex's is because I'm a supportive friend."

"Then support me at this one, pal." I tried, punching him lightly in the arm.

"Nope, not happening."

"Come on, my mom expects me to use these."

"Yeah, and I'm positive I'm not the one you're mom intended you to offer the second ticket to, alright?"

I scrunched up my face in confusion, "What the fuck does that mean?"

Zack sighed dramatically, "Nothing."

"Who the hell am I going to take then?"

"I'm sure you'll figure it out, Jack. I'll be back in a little while." He said, before turning his back and walking out of our room carrying a huge basket full of dirty laundry.

"Asshole," I mumbled, looking after him as the door closed after him. I sat there for a moment, and with the lack of noise Zack and I were making, I could just make out the faint sound of people arguing somewhere near my room. And, because I was slightly nosy, I decided to stick my head out the door and try to figure out who it was.

Once I opened the door I knew exactly who it was and where it was coming from. Right across the hall, Alex and Vic where having a screaming match. I bit my lip, wondering what caused the argument this time. Hopefully it wasn't something that I'd done.

I heard someone grab their door knob so I shut my door to cover up the fact that I'd been ease dropping on their fight. After the footsteps grew quieter I peeked my head out again to see Alex stomping off down the hall.

If it were Vic, I wouldn't have gone. But it was Alex and he seemed extremely upset at the moment, maybe I would make it worse, but I decided to go after him. I know if it were me I'd want him to at least check if I was okay, and I think he would. So I followed him out to the court yard where he was looking up at the night sky. How did it always end up as just me and him?

He looked truly upset as he sat there scowling at the universe.

"You know," I said, knowing I'd startle him no matter what I said, "I told you my secret but you never told me your secret that night at the party."

I was right, he jumped and whipped his head over to see who I was. Once he saw me he sighed and put his head back on his arms. "Hi, Jack."

"Are you alright?" I asked, moving closer slowly.

He hummed and made a face. "I was gonna lie, but I think you of all people would be able to see through it."

"You're right," I said confidently, sitting next to his head. I got this faint sense of deja vu from back in high school, one of the times we hung out before we became more. "So, what's up? What's got ya down?"

Alex looked at me and grinned, "Is it appropriate to talk to your ex about current boy troubles?"

My heart fluttered when he said current boy troubles, maybe it was terrible of me, but troubles with Vic only meant I was closer to possibly having another shot.

I shrugged, "It's only awkward if we make it awkward."

"Alright true I guess." He sighed deeply, "Vic and I had a fight because he didn't tell me his ex is here for the rest of the semester for some science thing."

I did a double take, "Wait, you mean Quinn?"

"Yeah," Alex looked up at the sky again. "I don't know. I sort of feel like a hypocrite because you're here, but then again he's always known you were here. He didn't even think to tell me."

"So this obviously means they've talked since he's been here."


"Do you think there's something going on with them or... something?" I guessed.

"I don't know, I don't think so, but then again why would he keep it a secret if nothing was going on?"

I had a few possible answers running through my head faulting Alex but I'll be damned if I said them. I'd never make this his fault, because honestly it was Vic's for not being truthful.

"That's kinda fucked man," I said instead. "Just considering everything going on, like with me being here, you'd think he'd want to be more honest knowing the other side of the situation you know?"

"You get it." Alex let out an exasperated breath and shot me a smile, moving his head up to rest on my lap, "I knew you would."

"'Course I do," I said, holding back a grin.

"I'm glad you're here, Jack. I really mean that."

I pursed my lips instead of letting my huge bursting smile show through and ran my fingers through a little bit of his hair. "Thanks, Alex. I'm glad I am too."

We sat in silence for a few minutes, him laying on my lap and looking up at the stars and me playing with little strands of his hair. I felt so good in this moment. I'd managed to cheer him up and I felt like we were really close, even just as friends. I liked being close to him.

"Oh hey," I said, brilliant thought popping into my head. His eyes turned on me as he gave me his attention. "You like the Orioles right?"

"Um, yeah," Alex stated like it was common fact, like everyone should not only know them, but like them.

"Well, listen. My mom gave me these tickets to a game that's coming up and I was wondering if maybe you'd want to go with me? Since you like that stuff, you know," I stammered a little.

"Holy shit, really? You want me to go with you?" He sat up and stared at me in shock.

"Yeah, you really like them so I figured it'd be nice," I said, not mentioning that Zack had already refused to go. That seemed kinda shitty to mention. "So... you'll go with me then?"

"Of course, Jack!" Alex flung himself at me and wrapped his arms around me. I got this funny feeling that I couldn't explain even if I tried... but it was that one day one we'd be doing this again, but with a different question.

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