things i hate about myself pt.1

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1. i hate when i act like a hypocritical ass bitch at times because then i manage to piss people off @all 3 of my best friends

2. i hate when i get worked up and upset over tennie tiny things 

3. i hate that when i'm already upset and crying then i listen to sad ass songs to  make me even more emotional and shit

4. i hate the fact that i used to stan zayn

5.i hate how big my nose is, like i want a cute lil button nose

6. i hate when i smile because i have one missing tooth that is very noticeable  and makes me look 10x uglier than i alright do

7. i hate when i try to exercise and try to loose weight and people criticize me like i shouldn't be doing it or something and the same thing happens when i try to diet

8. i hate that if i try to be at least a little bit cute or whatever i still end up comparing myself to the other 'better looking  girls' i see, wishing i was perfect or what not

9. my dreams that still fail to come true

10. the way i look at the world because i know way to much for a 14 year old but knowledge is power i guess


•m e l a n c h o l y•Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora