Army Man

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"Now Jim, I'll be waiting in the car to pick you up afterwards alright?"
It was the second week of counselling sessions for Jim as he and social-worker Rick waited uncomfortably outside of the centre, the Irish boy staring at the floor grumpily as he refused to make eye contact with the older man. After he had wandered off last week, and after a letter of complaint was sent to the care home from the school, Rick had now been ordered to keep a careful eye over Jim, making sure that he got to school on time to avoid any more punishments.
"I wasn't even misbehaving," the boy muttered under his breath, kicking at the pebbles with his boots.
"I mean I went my session didn't I?"
The social worker simply rolled his eyes at this as he glanced around at the building thoughtfully.
"Yes, although you didn't actually attend school did you?"
Jim was about to return a snarky comment before he saw the familiar face of Sebastian Moran arriving, an annoyed expression on his face as he made his way up to the front doors. Rick quickly realised what was going through Jim's mind and he mumbled a quick goodbye before heading back to the minibus to drop the other kids off at school.

The Irish boy quickly advanced towards Sebastian, strolling up to his side casually.
"You're still here then," the older boy grumbled as they both headed inside together, Jim sliding into a seat beside the boy.
"Honestly Sebastian you're so rude to me sometimes," he tutted, leaning back in his seat and folding his legs.
"I was excited to see my counselling partner!"
The older boy didn't make a comment on this but Jim noticed the hint of a smirk across his lips. A few minutes later their counsellor, Mark, arrived as he took a seat in the centre of the room and welcomed everybody for coming.
"Now what we're talking about today is coping methods, for example what helps to calm you down from a panic attack, or if you get too angry," he began, gazing around at all of the teenagers surrounding him. Jim had a big feeling that his last point was mainly directed towards Sebastian.
"So for a few minutes let's talk to the people around you, and see what coping techniques you care share."

The Irish boy immediately turned his chair towards Sebastian, a smug smile on his face.
"I don't want to hear any of your bullshit coping methods, before you start speaking," the blonde boy grumbled, also turning his chair to face Jim as he folded his arms.
"That's technically not what I was about to say," the Irish boy muttered with a frown.
"I think we need to get to know each-other a little better, don't you think? I mean we are stuck here together for a few more weeks."
The larger boy gave a small shrug at this, leaning back in his seat as he cleared his throat.
"You start then Jim."
The raven-haired boy gave a wide grin at this, he loved being the centre of attention.
"Alright then," he began confidently, sitting up straight in his seat.
"I'm Jim Moriarty, I'm fifteen, and I live here in London. But if you really want to know the important facts then here goes: I'm more of a cat person than a dog person, my favourite ice-cream flavour is mint choc-chip although if necessary I'll have vanilla. If you must know, I'm an avid fan of The Bee Gees and Queen...oh and Nirvana obviously."
Sebastian didn't respond at first, he simply stared at Jim as though he was quite mad (which in fairness he probably was).
"Obviously," the blonde boy muttered after a while, a dazed look still on his face as they both turned back to face Mark.

The session ended an hour later as both boys made their way out together into the sunlight. To Jim's dismay, he instantly recognised the social worker awaiting for him in the car parked nearby and he did his best to avoid him.
"Is that your dad?" Sebastian asked suddenly, glancing up at the man and raising an eyebrow skeptically.
"He looks almost normal."
At once Jim shot him a disapproving glare as they both approached the car.
"He's my social worker," he explained with a frown, staring at his shoes.
"He's such a prat."
Sebastian managed a small chuckle at this, something which was new for him, as they made their way towards the car.

"Alright boys?" Rick asked, leaning out of the open window and cracking a smile at the two, focusing his gaze upon the blonde boy.
"So who's this charming man then?"
Jim's cheeks blushed a furious red as Sebastian stepped forward, shaking the social worker's hand.
"Sebastian Moran," he announced, smiling a little as he stepped back and nodded.
Rick looked immediately pleased at this as he gave a Jim a look.
"Where are you headed then Sebastian?" He asked, still smiling.
"I'll drop you off if you want, it's no problem."
The older boy shook his head slightly at this, holding up a hand to decline.
"No no it's fine honestly, I'll just get the bus," he explained hastily, digging his hands into his pockets.
"What Sebastian means to say is that he's coming to school with me," Jim butted in, an amused smirk on his pale face.
"Isn't that right Sebastian?"
Sebastian made to protest but Jim had already opened the door of the back seats and was now ushering him inside.

It was about a fifteen minute drive to Jim's private school, the time spent with Rick questioning Sebastian about whether he liked the school, and what year he was in. Sebastian of course had no idea about any of this, and spent the remainder of the journey making it up as he went along. The car eventually pulled up outside of the academy as Rick said goodbye to Jim and Sebastian as the two boys clambered out. The Irish boy watched the social worker leaving before turning his attention to Sebastian, almost a little disappointedly.
"I'll see you next week then darling," he teased, turning on his heel as he began to make his way through the iron gates towards the entrance doors.
"Wait, Jim!" The blonde's voice called out as Jim stopped in his place, turning back round to face him.
"One last thing."

Jim stared at him for a moment, curious as to what he had to say.
"I forgot to name's Sebastian Moran and I'm seventeen. I'm training to be in the army, and my favourite ice-cream flavour is salted caramel, obviously."

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