The Camping Trip

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Jim was discharged from the hospital the next morning, and spent the next few days packing his bag for the camp, including Sebastian's tiger hoodie which was folded up neatly inside. He had never actually been camping before, a few weeks ago he would had despised the idea - the people, the dirt, it wasn't something that he enjoyed. However, something had certainly changed this time - perhaps the idea of sharing a tent with the blonde boy was a comfort to Jim, as much as he hated to admit it. As Friday afternoon arrived, the Irish boy made his way to their meeting place, backpack in hand as he watched the minibus roll up to the pavement. Although as the many teenagers began to board, Jim couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, there was no sign of Sebastian yet. Nether-the-less, he clambered onto the bus, securing a seat at the back as he gazed out of the window, trying to block out the rest of the group whilst Mark stood at the front giving instructions.

He was beginning to feel a little down, before he noticed a familiar, muscular figure trudging down the road, a cigarette clamped between his teeth as he gave a disgruntled glance over at the minibus. Sebastian had a backpack strap slung over one shoulder as he was dressed in a white vest and unbuttoned military jacket, making his way towards the doors and taking a final, long draw of his cigarette. Jim was almost surprised to see how agitated he looked, although he didn't dare comment on it as Sebastian entered the bus.
"No smoking policy remember Sebastian," Mark reminded him, taking the cigarette from his mouth and tapping it out calmly.
"Now come on find a seat."
The blonde gave a small huff at this, nodding as he made his way down the middle of the vehicle, spotting Jim and taking a seat besides him, almost gratefully.

"You came then?" Sebastian asked in a quiet mutter, one which the Irish boy hadn't heard since their first meeting.
Not wanting to aggravate the older boy more than he already was, Jim simply nodded.
"Wouldn't want to miss this joyful camping trip for the world," he hummed sarcastically, unzipping his bag and pulling out his earphones.
"Staying in a muddy field for a few days - I can't possibly think of anything better."
There was a pause at this, before Sebastian gave a little chuckle, slouching back in his seat as he smirked towards Jim.
"I can't fucking wait," he decided with a small yawn as the minibus finally set off.
They were staying somewhere in the nearby countryside, around an hours drive approximately - something which both boys weren't too fond of.

Jim spent the remainder of the journey sat by the window seat, admiring his reflection in the mirror. Most of his cuts and bruises had gone down now, and the cast on his wrist had finally been removed a few days prior.
"So your parents didn't mind you going on the trip?" He asked in a bored-tone, not really focusing on what he was saying.
However, it was a few moments before he noticed that Sebastian had stiffened up at this, a rather annoyed expression once again appearing on his face.
"Never-mind," Jim muttered hastily, playing around with the earphone strings in his hands.
"You've got me, eh tiger?"
He gave the blonde a playful nudge at this, trying his best to get a reaction from the older boy.
"Tiger?" Sebastian asked, a little taken-aback by this.
"Well that's certainly a new nickname."
Jim's cheeks immediately grew a shade of deep red at this as he glanced up sheepishly at Sebastian.
"It just came into mind," he admitted quietly, his eyes meeting with the blonde boy's.
"I can take it back if you want."
The older boy paused for a moment before breaking into a wide smirk and folding his arms.
"It's fine...I rather like it," he decided.

It was late evening when the minibus finally arrived at the campsite. The group of teenagers filed out onto the field, many of them laughing and joking as they made their way over to their designated tents. Jim and Sebastian's tent was the furthest away, a deep red colour with a little lantern hanging from the flap outside.
"Home sweet home," the blonde muttered with a small, tired sigh as they both made their way inside, crouching down onto the floor and pulling out different duvets and sleeping bags from their bags. Jim, who was in the middle of setting up his own sleeping bag, turned to Sebastian at this.
"So d'you go camping a lot with your cadets?" He asked, shoving his backpack over to one side as he slumped down against his pillow restlessly.

"Yeah we go quite a lot," Sebastian muttered in response, now focused on sorting out his clothes.
"And we go kayaking and practice shooting, and all of that crap."
The Irish boy immediately perked up at this, sitting up in his seat and staring over at the blonde.
"So you know how to shoot a real gun?" He asked, not even bothering to hide his fascination.
Sebastian opened his mouth a little at the response, raising an eyebrow as he lowered the pile of clothes in his arms, frowning slightly.
"Yeah, guess so," he mumbled gruffly, getting to his feet and digging his hands into his pockets.
"Anyway we should go and get some food alright? You're probably tired."

"I'm not tired," Jim muttered, a little disappointed as he also got to his feet, pulling on a jacket as he headed with Sebastian out of the tent.
"And save some food for me, Sebastian!"
He watched as the older boy left before hesitating for a moment, pressing his lips together as he gave a small smirk. Perhaps Sebastian could be of good use after all - Jim just had to wait and see.

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