The old man's new house

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The next day the old man and the old woman went on the road to find a house for the old man to live in they went in town to look a house and he found just the house he dreamt of but they did not have enough money to buy the house so they told the landlord that they will take it but not now. They went to look a job to do so they can make the total amount that they needed to buy the house the house caused 1,900,000 American dollars they did all the work they could and made 10,000 American dollars but they did not give up until the next 3 months they add just the amount they wanted they went and buy the house and the old man decided he wanted a woman in his life. The old man bought a ring and asked the old lady if she could marry him of course the old lady said yes and they both lived happily ever after the end.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2017 ⏰

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