One Last Time

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Heyy guys how's it going? We are finally off school and I can catch up on some of my stories. Also I must say THANK YOU!!!!! for all the views almost 1.12K people have read my story and I must say thank you. I did not think that this story gain that many views. Or likes even if it is just 20. So to thank you I got this chapter done for you, enjoy. 

 A few hours after Nami dropped Arthur and Merlin off at their room, someone knocks on the door. Merlin and Arthur glance at each other before Merlin stands up and goes to open the door. Standing in the doorway is one of Nami, "Merlin, the King is asking for you." Turning on her heels she starts towards the throne room with Merlin catching up with her after telling Arthur to stay in the room.

Walking towards the throne room, Merlin and Nami walk side by side daring anyone to question why Merlin isn't locked up, or at least dead. Once the two reach the throne room, Merlin steps back a few inches so that Nami can lead them into the room. Opening the doors, Merlin and Nami see King Orin and Morgana sitting on the thrones watching them approach with smirks on their faces, as if to say they know something Merlin doesn't. Walking up, Nami bows to the royals while Merlin stares defiantly at both of them in turn. "Ah Dragomir," King Orin starts. "So nice of you to join us."

"As if I had much of a choice," Merlin snaps back taking a glance of at the corner as if to remind himself why he cannot kill both of them where they sit. Scowling Orin decides to give Merlin his next assignment. "The reason I asked for you was to give you your next assignment." Merlin glares at both of them with the same intensity, "Oh yeah, and what is it you wish for me to do?" Merlin asks without taking his eyes off either of them. Smiling Orin glances at Morgana for a split second before turning his attention back to Merlin. "I want you and your old team to kill-"


Back in the room, Arthur has been pacing the length of the room waiting for Merlin to come back. It's been hours where is that idiot, Arthur thinks making another round around the room, hoping that Merlin didn't get himself killed; he never could keep his mouth shut. Arthur stops pacing suddenly and sits on the bed, his thoughts traveling back to Camelot. Wondering how Gwen was, or if the knights were on their way here to rescue them, and just generally how the kingdom was. He has no idea how long he has gone for but it has been longer than a fortnight. Then his thoughts travel back to Merlin, what is taking him so long? What is this tyrannical king planning on making him do? He has already stolen all of Merlin's childhood and turned him into a killer. What else could he do?

Just as he stands up once more to start pacing all over again, Merlin walks back into the room. Looking up at him, Arthur opens his mouth to speak but right before he does Merlin plops down on the bed and puts his face in his hands. "What's wrong Merlin? What is Orin going to make you do?" Arthur asks as he comes to sit down by his serv- his friend.

Merlin is his friend and he'll admit it. The man sitting right next to him has been with Arthur through everything. He was there when Arthur's father died, he was there when Morgana took over Camelot, heck Merlin was even right about Agravaine. Even though Arthur might not know Merlin as well as he thought, Merlin is his friend and Arthur is going to get both of them out of this alive.

Merlin looks over at him for a second before sighing dejectedly, "Orin is allowing us to train and practice down at the fields but you have to stay with me. He is giving us all the privileges I had before I left, including free reign of the place." Arthur looks at him in astonishment, "You mean we could leave, Merlin you should be more excited about this. We can go back to Camelot!" Arthur jumps up and looks at his friend still sitting on the bed who, in Arthur's eyes, doesn't seem to understand the great thing handed to them. Merlin smiles sadly at Arthur, his excitement and innocence in the way things are run here remind Merlin of when he was younger and just wanted to go home. Shaking his head, Merlin says, "You can try but nobody has ever left, without Orin's approval. You even attempt to leave without his knowledge and he'll sick the 'dogs' on you. Then if you get past them you have to deal with the archers on the roof."

Arthur stares at Merlin in awe, "You had to get past all that when you left"

"No," Merlin says biting back a laugh. "I got out after a mission, I was already out of the kingdom." Merlin stands up off the bed with a little smile that hides the dread he's truly feeling. Dread for the upcoming mission. No matter what he has done in the past for Camelot, this- this will undo everything, and lose everyone's trust. "Come on," Merlin says. "How about I show you where I grew up?" And with that Merlin walks out the door once more, just with Arthur on his heels. Watching from down the hall, Morgana smiles as her plan slowly falls into action. Once Merlin completes his mission, even if it was to save Arthur, no one will trust him again, and everyone will want him dead; along with Arthur. 

Well that's all folks hope you enjoyed. BYEEEEEEEE🤓🤓🤓

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