Chapter One

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It was hard for Cry to think about returning to the seas. After what had happened to him, it was almost unbearable.

But, here he was, standing in front of his killer.

A ship that was supposedly the sturdiest ship known to the Americas. As he stared at it, he couldn't help but feel uneasy. He didn't know if it would fall apart again, he didn't know if it would take anymore loved ones from him.

He swallowed the knot that had began to form in his throat. He pushed away the thoughts of him.

"Cry!" He flinched, "You ready to get on? We have all the supplies on the ship now!" Cry looked over at the man who had been talking to him. It was Russ. Pursing his lips lightly, he nodded.

"Y-Yeah. Let me go and uhm– say goodbye to my . . . " He hesitated, ". . . My wife." Cry tried his hardest to keep his voice from cracking or wavering, but even if he pulled it off, he knew Russ would notice his expression.

Luckily Russ didn't point it out.

"Mhm," Russ hummed, "She's by Marks ship. And we'll be heading off as soon as you get on the ship, okay?" Cry nodded and watched as Russ walked off to the ship. He shoved his hands into the pockets of his jacket before he began to walk to Marks ship.

The wind blew against him as he walked, bringing the smell and coolness of the ocean to him. He held his hat onto his head, sighing. He really wished it was summer again. He hated sailing near winter.

He spotted his wife a few seconds later. She was standing where he had asked her to with a scowl. Was she alright?

He quickened his pace to her, pulling his hat off his head.

Once there, he gave her a concerned look, opening his mouth to speak. But, before he could, she interrupted with, "I don't want to deal with your brother while you're gone." He shut his mouth and blinked.

"What? I thought you said–"

"He's doing the same bullshit he was once you got back. I don't want to deal with it." Cheyenne snapped. She crossed her arms while Cry stared at her with a bit of disbelief.

It was rare for her to curse, since it was unladylike and she was usually scolded when she did, and it was weird that she all of the sudden was pissed off. She had said herself that she would be able to deal with him just for a year. Why the sudden change? He decided not to voice his question.

"U-Uhm– okay?" He stuttered, "I guess he can come with me. Don't think he'll be too thrilled, but uh–"

"Thank you," Cheyenne interrupted him again, making him a little agitated. Her voice then changed to a sweet tone, expression changing along with it, "Now, I'll miss you." She offered a forced-looking smile before kissing him on the cheek. She hugged him, and thankfully let him return it, before looking at him lovingly.

Throughout this he was confused. He returned the hug and kiss anyway though, he didn't want to upset her. Sighing, he glanced to the carriage that would be taking her away.

"I'll miss you too, dear," He replied, "I'll be sure to bring back the loveliest flowers for you." Her smile turned a little more genuine.

Then, they finished saying their goodbyes and Cheyenne was walking off. He watched her walk off, looking over the dress she wore. It was pretty.

He took his mind off of her and began thinking of the quickest way to get his brother on the ship.

"Captain Cryaotic!" Cry flinched, "Captain Mark said he was ready to go, are you set?" Cry glanced over at the crew member that was talking to him. He was one Cry didn't talk to often, but he did know that the man was reliable. Cry nodded in response.

It had been easier to get Nathan on board than he expected, so it only took about twenty minutes to get him and his things. The young man was standing next to him, a nervous expression on his face. He knew what had happened last time, and Cry was sure that the poor man was a little fearful from the trauma he saw from his sibling.

"Gather everyone together, I have to tell them about the escort." Cry said to the man, the man nodded.

"Where should I tell them to go?" Cry only motioned vaguely, but the man nodded nonetheless and ran off, yelling at those in earshot to gather somewhere. Cry turned his gaze to Nathan after that, noticing the sudden blank expression he had.

"You okay?" Cry asked softly. Nathan looked at him, pursing his lips. He shrugged.

"Bad feeling, y'know, but it may just be uh . . . " He trailed off a bit awkwardly and nodded towards Cry, "Y'know."

Cry sighed. "I'm– . . . I'm sure it'll be fine this time."

"No flashbacks?"

"N–" He hesitated, biting his cheek, "No flashbacks."

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