Chapter Two

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"Captain Fischbach will be escorting us to our destination," Cry began, clearing his throat, "This is because of our low number of men. If we were to fight another ship we'd ... we wouldn't–" He hesitated, "They are coming along with us for our protection. Fischbach has two ships so they'll flank us on both sides."

A few men looked annoyed by the news. This crew was used to being the best ship out there, so Cry couldn't blame them.

"We'll be paying our respects to Fe– Pri-Prince Kjellberg while there," Cry added, "Along with that, we'll be getting more supplies and the cargo we're being sent to retrieve." A knot was forming in his throat. "Meeting dismissed. Let's head out."

A few of the men in the crowd gave him an almost concerned look, but they all said, "Aye," And went to do their jobs. Russ and Scott came up to him though.

"Are you sure you should be going to Felix's grave?" Scott asked, his voice in its usual worried tone, "We don't need you having a panic attack again." Cry looked at Scott with slightly pursed lips. Scott was fiddling with his fingers.

Russ looked calm as Scott spoke, not even a hint of worry was on the mans face. He knew what Cry was like when he grieved, not Scott, so it was doubtful he was concerned. And, the panic attack Scott referenced wasn't even a full blown one... . He just got a little mad and lashed out. Cry couldn't help it.

"I won't have a panic attack, Jund," Cry replied, "I'll be fine. I also will be talking with the King. He uhm ... wants to talk to me about something. He didn't clarify what in his letter, though." Now both of their faces were full with worry.

"When we dock there, we are citizens of the damn country, what if he wants to fuckin' behead you?" Scott immediately said, popping his knuckles due to nervousness, "Especially after how Felix died and we don't know where his body is."

Cry visibly flinched. Russ jabbed Scott in the side and gave him a glare.

"Are you serious, Jund? And you were worried about him having a panic attack looking at the grave months from now!" Russ hissed. Scott cringed lightly and nearly cowered away from the taller mans gaze.

"Sorry! I'm just worried, Russ! And the Kjellberg royalty have quite the history–"

"That was the King before Ulf Kjellberg, Scott!" Russ groaned. Cry just looked between the two, not knowing what all to say. Russ let out a sigh and shook his head, looking at Cry, "Anyway. Alright, man, hopefully the talk isn't anything too bad. King Kjellberg is more chill than the Queen, so I don't think it will."

Cry nodded and straightened his vest unconsciously.

"Hm. Well, let's get to work." He said, almost a little too quietly. Russ and Scott nodded, Russ offering a brief smile. Then, the three broke apart from their little group and headed in different directions.

2 Months into the journey ...

It was agonizing how hot it was outside. The sun beat down on Cry and his crew, making everyone want to just lay down and drink what water they could.

Cry let out a huff, tugging off the cravat he'd been wearing. He had just got back onto his ship after meeting up with Mark. The other captain confirmed they were still on track, though Cry already knew that, and gave him an estimated time on how much longer they had until they reached their destination. They discussed other topics, supplies, crew members, even personal life, before Cry returned to the ship.

Cry was honestly relieved to be back on his ship. It wasn't that he didn't like Mark, it was just that his room was so damn stuffy.

Cry tossed the cravat onto his desk and pulled off his blouse, letting out a sigh of relief. He went around the desk, opening up the windows. He leaned against the windowsill, looking around outside.

He looked down at the churning water that followed behind the ship. He watched the white spray climb into the air and fall back down. The water was much lighter. Cry was thankful it was.

Suddenly, the sound of his door creaking open made him flinch. He stood properly and whipped around, spotting his little brother at the door. The young man had a rag tied to his head with his hair pushed back. He was covered in sweat, which made Cry cringe a little.

"Hey, Cry, there's some clouds heading towards us from all the horizons," Nathan nodded in the direction, "No one is smelling rain though, what should we do?" Cry tensed slightly. All the horizons?

"W-Well, if no one smells rain, just continue with what we are doing. If Captain Fischbach orders for us to pull the canvas up, then we will." Cry replied. Nathans brow furrowed slightly at the short stutter. He stared at Cry for a second before nodding.

"... Alright, Captain," He said softly. He then gave Cry a quick, concerned glance before walking out of the room, shutting the door behind him. Cry sighed. He should really be supervising what was going on.

So, he reluctantly grabbed his blouse and pulled it on, heading out of the room. Nathan wasn't kidding when there was clouds on every horizon. A sudden feeling of dread gripped his chest. He decided to ignore it though. It was just trauma, he'd get over it somehow.

He straightened up the collar of the blouse as he walked up the stairs next to the door to his room. He looked at the wheel, the men lining the railing, and the few boxes of canon balls set up there. Why were they up here?

Cry pursed his lips but didn't question it. He just sighed. Crossing his arms, he walked over to a crate and sat down on it, leaning against the railing. Should he check on Russ? Should he check on Scott and Snake? He didn't know.

He let out a short sigh and closed his eyes.

Cry flinched awake, eyes wide with a strike of panic hitting him. A small spot on his head felt wet. Did he fall asleep? He looked around to see the men looking up at the sky.

Another wet spot hit his head. Cry looked up as a few hit his arms. These weren't just wet spots. They were raindrops.

Dark, ominous clouds were looming above the three ships.

Panic. That's all Cry could really process as the rain slowly began to pick up.

"Bring up the canvas, right fucking now!" 

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