A/N - It's been a while... Though...

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Hi, what's up guys? It's Black Battler, yeah again... I know my story is boring and such, anyway... For those that have liked it so far, bad news or good news, it's like Schrodinger's cat: depending on the action is the result. In college I've been working my ass off, I have eye bags now [almost fell asleep in a class, something never happened before, no matter how tired I was] and probably a heart disease, since I've been drinking Red Bull/Monster/YOLO and other energy drink, if you make research they've been linked with a higher risk of heart attack.

Still my career is at a deciding point, next week I have my last test which if I fail I'll be expelled.... If I pass I'll still be in, making more efforts (with less psychological pressure, of course) to graduate. I'm still writing some of the story, but I skipped some parts... Probably tomorrow or the next day I'll upload a sneek peek or something like that. I really want to work on it, but this is my last test and this tired body doesn't help much...

In case I fail, I'm sorry but I'll have to rush the story and still leave it incomplete, upload two more story and/or ideas for stories; I'll leave...

Fun Fact: General Doctors and its students are one of the top 10 careers/students who have a high suicide and depression rate

Fun Fact: General Doctors and its students are one of the top 10 careers/students who have a high suicide and depression rate

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