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Cold, that was the best way to describe the feeling in my body as the rain poured down. It had started as just a sprinkle, and suddenly Brad and I were in our evening wear, drenched from head-to-toe as we dove back into the car, escaping the downpour.

"I don't think we're much in the state to go into that restaurant." I pointed out, stifling a giggle as I thought about the elegant Italian restaurant just a block away that suddenly seemed completely unattainable with my mascara dripping down my cheeks.

Brad laughed, tilting his head back and letting the sound escape his lips loudly and fully. My lips quirked up, watching his face flash such whole joy, and Brad caught my eye as he regained composure. "Let's go."

"To the restaurant?" I asked, frowning lightly. Brad shook his head, chuckling quietly this time.

He nodded over my shoulder, and I looked back at the Tesco across the road, its letters bright in the grey evening. "Tesco?" I repeated, raising my eyebrows and looking back to Bradley, his lips pulled into a smug smile.

"Why not? Why don't we just grab snacks and go have our own fancy dinner at home? Jaffa Cakes a la sour gummy worms." He joked, reaching across the console and taking my hand gently in a way that still made my stomach flutter and flip.

I was putty in his hands, and I found myself easily nodding at the idea, warmth spreading through my body at the thought of sitting at the table in our pijamas, eating snacks and laughing loudly instead of talking in quiet voices and acting mild mannered at some high-class restaurant. Brad grinned, shooting my a glance before unbuckling his seat belt and bolting around to my door.

He pulled the door open for me, his pale blue button up plastering to his shoulders and chest as the rain pelted down on him. I let out a gasp as the cold rain hit me, squeezing my eyes shut and grabbing Brad's hand, slamming the door shut and dashing across the street hand in hand.

My soft pink chiffon dress was sticking to my skin, and my hair that had once laid in loose curls was flat against my head, sending shivers down my spine. Brad's hair was dripping from his curls, and stuck down against his forehead. His shirt was a bit see-through at the top where it stuck to his skin, and his nose was rosy and looked fresh and lively.

Brad let out a breath at the relief that Tesco was providing from the rain, shaking his head and sending water droplets everywhere. "Brad!" I shrieked, shoving his shoulder and letting out a laugh, my body shaking from the cold still. He laughed, stepping towards me and running his hands up and down my arms to warm me up, finally slowing and grabbing my hands instead.

"Basket?" He asked, raising his eyebrows. I blushed, nodding, and grabbed a basket in the hand that Bradley was no longer holding. We walked towards the aisle with crisps and salty snacks, and Brad suddenly sent me a cheeky look before pecking me on the cheek and dropping my hand, ducking around me with a knowing look over his shoulder as he disappeared down the sweets aisle.

I let out a chuckle, walking down the salty lane and perusing the options. Nothing caught my eye, but a chill from behind me caught my attention and I spun, facing the frozen options. Instantly, my eyes landed on the sausage rolls, and I grabbed a box and dropped them into the basket quickly. "Sausage rolls?"

Turning quickly, I saw Brad behind me, dropping a box of Jaffa Cakes and some salt and vinegar crisps into the basket as well. He slid is arm around my waist, pulling me a bit closer to him. His eyes raked my face, and I felt my cheeks heating up as I diverted my eyes. "Anything else you want, princess?" 

I scanned the rows of food again, shaking my head and turning to Brad, who just pulled me tighter to his side and stuck a hand in his pocket, producing his wallet. "Let's head home, put on some pijamas, and crack open some beers." He suggested, his fingers dancing gently over my hip and making my heart pound.

Nodding, I let Brad buy our snacks and wrap the bag around his wrist. It was so odd to have been with him for years, and yet to stand and look at him and think to myself, "I have a crush on this boy, with wet hair and a shirt stuck to his skin and a bag of Jaffa Cakes on his wrist." And every single smile... it all managed to make my stomach flip.

We dashed back for the car, and before I knew it, Brad and I were breathlessly standing at our front door, trying to slow our hearts from the race against the rain to the front door of our flat. I glanced over at Brad, twisting the handle of the bag in my hands, and met his bright brown eyes. He was breathing heavily, his hairs sticking to his forehead, a droplet of water on his nose that was making my heart go wild.

Brad grabbed my hand, pulling me towards him, and stepped closer to me so I was trapped between him and the front door. "You look so beautiful," He promised, taking his free hand and pushing a bit of wet hair away from where it stuck to my cheek. "You look so lovely and happy and rosy," Brad added, his smile turning into a grin as I flushed.

I pursed my lips, then leaned onto my toes and closed my eyes, kissing him softly. Brad sucked in a breath as I pulled away, then pulled my hips towards him and pressed his lips against mine, our noses bumping and causing me to smile into the kiss. Brad smiled back, backing me up to the door - which suddenly disappeared behind me as he pushed the door open, making me stumble and laugh, grabbing onto his shirt to keep myself upright.

"Brad!" I gasped, letting out a laugh as we both stumbled through the door, Brad catching himself on the door frame and managing to keep me upright with a hand on the arm. He laughed, pulling me upright and back to his chest, planting a kiss on my nose.

"Now," He breathed, nudging my nose with his and kissing me gently again before pulling back slightly. "Those sausage rolls are calling my name."

Author's Note:

Hello lovely readers! I think I'm going to start doing these at the end of every chapter just so we can become friends :) 

What are you thinking so far? I love reading and seeing all your cute comments, so please feel free to be involved, active readers! I'm thinking of maybe making this story a little bit more pg-13, and there's going to be a bit more drama starting up in the next chappy. Now that they have confessed their love and sorted the drama out with Tris, we can't have it be all smooth sailing ;)

What do you think will happen next???


pretty little liar // brad simpsonWhere stories live. Discover now