twenty six

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"And this is the third bedroom, which is the smallest but still has enough room to comfortably fit a queen bed and a vanity, with a bit of space to move about." 

I looked over to Spencer, whose eyes were exploring the stiff, decorated room. Her hair was curled back in soft waves away from her face, and she'd worn a loose white sweater over her worn jeans and ankle boots, which looked both comfortable and put together, exactly the look you ought to wear when you're out shopping for a new home.

I'd overdressed, and I knew I had - but I couldn't help how anxious I was. I'd worn my nicest black jeans, a pressed white button up, and it'd taken me almost thirty minutes to make my hair look presentable, which had driven Spencer crazy to no end. But here she was, looking flawless and lively and leading the way around every flat we'd visited with confidence.

"This is the last flat you've arranged for us to visit?" Spencer asked our agent thoughtfully, wandering towards the window on the end of the room. She scanned the view quietly before turning back to face Amy.

"The last one, yes. I've got a few more places to bring you, but this is the last of the flats in London that I thought met your needs." Amy explained, crossing her arms in front of her.

Spencer nodded, reaching out and grabbing my hand. "I quite liked the second one," She admitted, shrugging. "It had a nicer view than this, although the third room was a bit small."

"Amy, why don't you show us to a few houses?" I asked, catching Spencer's shocked expression out of the corner of my eye.

"Houses?" Amy repeated, looking a bit taken aback. "I've got a few more flats outside of the city yet."

I shrugged, feeling Spencer squeezing my hand. "If we could look at a few houses in our out of the city, that would be better. You don't have to rush, but when you can find some that might work for us."

"Could we step into the hall?" Spencer asked quickly, giving Amy a pleasant smile before she led me into the corridor and shut Amy into the third room. "Bradley!" 

"Spencer!" I responded, shaking her off as she punched me in the shoulder. 

"We never talked about houses, Brad! You completely shocked me in there. What's wrong with the second flat we visited?" Spencer quizzed, her eyebrows wrinkling together as she looked me in the eye.

Avoiding her eyes, I lifted my shoulders in a shrug. "It was a bit smaller than was comfortable, and it wasn't like a home. It was... it wasn't right, okay?" I explained weakly, pulling Spencer's hand slightly. "But what about a house? With a yard for them to play in, we could have a dog. We could paint it whatever colors we wanted, and we could have more privacy, more space. Nobody knocking on the walls when we have loud sex-"

Spencer punched me in the shoulder again, harder this time. I rubbed my arm, giving her a cheeky pout. "I'm serious, Spencer. Don't you want our kid to get to grow up in a home?"

She stayed quiet, but this time when I pulled lightly on her hand, she stepped in and pressed her face into the crook of my neck softly. "Well when you put it like that..."

My lips pulled up into a grin. "Spencer, I want a house, a home with you, our kid... a dog." I added, earning a laugh. "I want this all with you, okay? I don't need some transitional flat until some magazine tells us we're ready to move up a step. I want it all, now, not later. Don't you want that?"

Spencer pulled back, holding onto the front of my shirt gently with both fists. "That's what I want, Brad. I want whatever I can have if it's with you."

I leaned down into a soft kiss, letting Spencer go with another kiss to her forehead. "Amy?" I asked, stepping into the room with a polite smile. "What've you got for us?"

pretty little liar // brad simpsonWhere stories live. Discover now