Chapter 19: Coffee Talk

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Today's the day, the day I go on a date with Scarlett. So of course, Andrew and his wife Vicky decided to drop by this morning. Probably to give me some ideas or even a lecture.

"So, what are you planning to do for this date?" Andrew said as he walked around my living room.

Vicky looked at Andrew then to me, "What you shouldn't do is go to some restaurant, or go to the movie theaters."

"She does love horror movies. Remember that one time she made us have a horror night with the band? You and Dorian were so terrified." He chuckled.

Vicky swatted his arm, "I hate the type of horror movies that are the jump scare type."

I rolled my eyes as I looked at them, "Andrew, shut up. The only reason Dorian got scared was because you kept fucking with him the whole night."

"Okay okay." He said as he crossed his arms over his chest, "So what are you going to do?"

"Well I was thinking about cooking her dinner and watching a movie here, horror of course. Or should I do something else?"

Vicky smiled and shook her head, "That's perfect. Just so you know she loves pasta." She stood up and grabbed Andrew by the arm, "We should get going, but have fun tonight. You both deserve it."

I thanked her as I walked them out. After deciding on what to make, I made the list and headed to the store to get the ingredients that I didn't already have.

When I started to prepare the dish, a knock on the door disrupted me. I quickly wiped off my hands and answered the door. There stands Dorian.

"What are you doing here?" I said as I let him in then shut the door.

"Oh you know, just dropping by." He said and followed me into the kitchen, "So date tonight?"

I nodded as I went finished up the dish and put it in the oven, "Do me a favor, since you're here, keep an eye on the oven while I get ready."

Dorian smiled and nodded, "Alright." Quickly he wanted over to the fridge, probably to get snacks to munch on.

I jumped into the shower quickly, washing my body and my hair. I hope tonight goes well. I got out and dried off, went back into my room and got dressed in some jeans, a simple black V-neck and paired with some vans. An amazing thing about her, is that I wouldn't have to dress up to impress her.

"Dorian, I'm going to pick up Scarlett right now, okay. So stay here and keep an eye on the food. Don't eat it."

He smiled as he nodded, continuing to shove chips in his mouth.

I grabbed my keys on the way out the door, went to my car and got it and headed to Scarlett's.

Pulling up to Scarlett's place, I took a deep breath and cut the engine. I got out and walked up to the porch and knocked.

Scarlett opened the door with a smile on her face, "Hey Oliver." There she was, so gorgeous. Yet dressed so simple with her dark blue jeans, red flannel, thrown together with some vans.

Smiling, "Ready to go?" I said as I held out my hand.

"Yes." She grabbed my hand and stepped out the door, shutting it behind her.

We got in my car and headed back to my place.

"I hope you don't mind, but I planned something at my place. Instead of going out that is. Just some dinner and movies." Pulling up to my place, I cut the engine then got out with her.

"What kind of movies?"

"Horror, of course."

"Sounds perfect." She smiled as she followed me inside.

"Okay Dorian, you can leave now." I said as soon as I stepped into my apartment.

Dorian popped his head out of the kitchen, "I just turned off the oven. But really, do I really have to go?" He faked a pout.

I rolled my eyes as I pointed to the door, "Out."

Mumbling underneath his breath as he walked past us to the door, before stepping out he turned to Scarlett, "Nice seeing you Scar, have fun." He smiled as he walked out.

"He can be so weird sometimes." Amusement filled her face.

"You have no idea. Now this way." I chuckled as I guided her to the kitchen.

Scarlett sat down while I brought out the food and made our plates.

She smiled as she looked at me, "This looks delicious."

"All for you Darling."

A/N: The chapter title, "Coffee Talk" is a song from Broadside.

It is basically talking about going on a date, but yet just being comfortable with the person no matter what you're doing. You're just enjoying your time together.

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