Fact #37

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Thirty-Seventh Fact: The things I look for in a significant other is: a good sense of humor, I love a person who can make me laugh, even when I am not in the mood. Respect is a big one, I love my privacy, and if a person can't respect that, then it I lose interest. Caring. I love it when people are there for me, no matter what, they care for me, no matter what is happening. Honesty. I hate liars, a little white lie is alright here or there, if you are trying to spare a person feelings, but overall a liar is a big no no. I try my best not to lie, anyway. Trust. This is kind of the same has the honesty one. Trust is important, if you really trusted your partner, then you would trust them and not be skeptical about telling them things. Lastly, protectiveness. If a person treats me with respect, and can protect me when I can't protect myself, then I will instantly fall for them.

That was deep af man. I didn't know I had that in me.

What do you guy's look for in a significant other?

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