Chapter 7: Home Away From Home

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There was a long silence while you both remained there, unspeaking, unmoving. Jasper moved first, silently placing one massive hand on top of your head with surprising gentleness. She began to stroke your hair for a second before remembering that she had an image to maintain. She cleared her throat and sidestepped away from you. Feeling her pulling away, you squeezed her tighter for a moment before releasing your grasp.

“You would let me stay… with you?”

“Of course,” you replied, as though it was the most obvious thing in the world. And to you, it was.

“But… for how long?”

“Always. However long you want.”

“Won't I be a burden to you?”

“Never! Besides, you don't need to eat, drink, sleep, or go to the bathroom. You'll be about the least troublesome roommate anyone's ever had. I'll even show you how the technologies and appliances work so you can use stuff without worrying about breaking it.”

“My enemies will probably invade your home.”

“I'll talk to them about what's going on. I'm sure we can reach a civil, peaceful understanding.”

“Don't you think they'll-”

“Jasper! You don't need to try to talk me out of this. This is what I want. If you don't, you can just say no.”

“Okay.” She sighed deeply, peacefully. “Let's return to your home.”

Our home,” you corrected her, smiling through tears that were now of joy more than anything else. “Seriously though, let's actually get out of here. You aren't in disguise and we're trespassing.”

Jasper nodded in agreement, picked up the articles of clothing which had disguised her under one arm, then lifted you under one arm and ran out into the night.

“Jasper, wait!” you exclaimed. She stopped and set you down. “We can just walk, like we did coming here!”

“Won't someone see us?”

“Look around you. It's nighttime. Humans can't see in the dark. Besides, what would the perfect quartz soldier and a human be doing together? Anyone who thinks they recognize your silhouette is going to think they must be mistaken when they see I'm with you.”

“Fair point. I'm uneasy, but I'll trust your judgement.”

You both jumped at the sound of flapping wings.

“Relax, it's just an owl. A bird.”

“There are nocturnal birds?”

“Oh yes, there's all sorts of life at night. I'll try to show you some one of these days.”

“I'd… I'd like that.” You both resumed walking. The night was hot, but bearable thanks to a pleasantly cool breeze. “I have to ask, though… did you really think you'd be able to physically restrain me?”

“What are you talking about?” you asked, genuinely confused.

“Do all humans have such short memories? You grabbed onto me when I was planning to leave. You seemed convinced that would stop me if I was determined. Which was kind of pathetic, but kind of funny, too.”

“Oh, that! No, Jasper, that was what's called a hug. It's a way to express -” that I've been reading way too much sappy fanfiction on the internet and was already madly in love with fictional, out-of-character portrayals of you by the first moment we met, you thought, “- affection for one such as a friend.”

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