Chapter 12

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Chapter 12:

Carl's P.O.V:

"How is it going?" Mrs. Ryouri asked.

I carefully closed the door and left Naomi sleeping in the room. She's sick now.

"I managed to seduce her into the contract. By the way, I added some."

Mrs. Ryouri laughed. "That was fine! I know it was for her own good, but is she better now?"

"Yes. I already fed her and gave her some medicine."

"I didn't know it was only you who could change her. If I'd only known about it, I made you come back here a few years ago."

I chuckled. "I don't think that she needs me to do that. She was already changing before I even appeared in her life."

"Oh no. Please don't fall into her actions. Maybe sooner or later, she'll come back to her own self."

I couldn't say anything. I just think I trust her.

"Hon, who are you talking to?" Mr. Ryouri asked on the other side.

"N-nothing important!" And then she ended up the call.

I went back to the room to find out Naomi was snoring so loud. I'm not used to sleeping on the floor so I decided to sleep on her side. I wish she doesn't kick.

As I was about to go to sleep, she came closer to me and hugged me.

I don't know what happened but it made me somehow smile.

I shrugged.

This is wrong. This is so wrong.

I put her hands away from me but she hugged me even tighter. Since that day, I couldn't have a good sleep. I admit that I was longing for her hug every time I need to go to sleep.

Naomi's P.O.V:

Naglakad kami papuntang parking lot habang sakal-sakal niya ang leeg ko. Kanina pa 'ko nagpupumiglas pero napakatigas niya talaga. Nakakainis!

"Is that Mr. Carl?" someone spoke from behind us. I turned to see who it was and found Classe and Hanz.

Shoot! I'm so done!

"Hello, Mr. Carl!" Hanz ran to him.

He raised his eyebrows and smiled at him.

"Are you with your...girlfriend?" Classe asked and smiled at me.

How dare she not recognize me? Is she even my friend?!

"No, but she's been following me around that's why I dragged her here to have a conversation."

What the heck?

Classe widened her eyes out of disbelief. "She must be crazy, what a shame."

I frowned. Who is she calling crazy? And when did they become this close?

"We'll be leaving, by the way. We had already submitted our infographics through your e-mail." Hanz.

"I'll take note of that." Mr. Carl.

"See you around!" Hanz spoke flirtingly and then they left.

Mr. Carl was about to hop in when I pulled his shirt. "What was that?!" inis kong sambit at hinarap siya sa'kin. "It was embarrassing!"

He laughed and pinched my cheek. "Why? Did they know it was you?"

"No! But you should have not said I was stalking you. You are too ugly to stalk for!"

Agreement With My ProfessorTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon