Chapter Two

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"It's here Jamie wake up, your Hogwarts letter it's finally here," Veronica squealed happily shacking the small boy,
"It is?!" The boy shouted excitedly his hair pointing in every direction as his hazel eyes darted towards the yellow parchment, grabbing the envelope out of his mothers sweaty palms, he examined the parchment further, the envelope was thick and heavy, and made of yellowish parchment and the address was written in emerald green ink. With trembling hands Jamie turned the envelope over. He saw a purple wax that bore a badger,a lion, a snake and a eagle surrounding the letter H.Hogwarts.
"Mum I'm going to Hogwarts!" Jamie said scrambling for the right words as his mother embraced him from behind,"I'm proud of you baby," Veronica muttered into his grey tee.
Opening the envelope carefully trying this best not to rip or damage it, he took out 2 pages of words and his hazel eyes skimmed through it,
"What does it say baby?" Veronica asked generally curios as she her self did not attend Hogwarts but in fact attended Beauxbatons,
"It says,
Mr J.Bennings
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts' School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!
And it just goes on to say the supplies I need mum, Can we go to diagonally?" Jamie pleased giving his mum a pout and the puppy eyes,
"Yes baby but first breakfast little man, go get changed first though,"
"Right all we have left is my wand and my pet," Jamie told his mum checking the list on e more to make sure,
"Do you want a bird, cat or toad?" Veronica asked her brown eyes watching the perplexed boy ,
"Uhhh a owl," Jamie concluded as he ran into the pet store, with Veronica running behind him.
Looking at the owls he watched in boredom seeing none that held his interest that was until he heard some unusual squeaking, in a silver cage was a pure  black owl with blue tints to it and striking blue eyes.
"This one mum," Jamie called pulling the owl down, as Veronica looked at him with interest,
"Are you sure?" She asked trying to make sure,
"Yep this one and I have the perfect name," The shaggy haired boy stated putting the squawking owl on the marvel counter,
"10 galleons," The owner said his dark eyes hardened as he glared at the startled boy,
"Uhh here you go," Jamie uttered giving the scary man the exact amount he asked for,
Leaving the shop, Jamie finally spoke,"That man gave me the chills,"
"Yeah uhh so what's his name," Veronica asked as Jamie gave her a look of pure sarcasm
"I don't know why don't you go ask him," Jamie muttered walking toward Olivanders,
"I meant the bird," Veronica giggled at the boy's response
"Ohh Zeus a strong name for a strong bird," Jamie said but was squawked at once more,
"I meant Owl I meant owl you lunatic," Jamie muttered the last part under his breath, which made Zeus pleased,
"We're here,"
"Ohh you must be him you look exactly like your father had when he was your age," Said an old man, with pale skin and beady eyes,
"Ignoring his comment,Jamie went onto say,"umh ok I'm here for my wand," As Olivander nodded his head and without another word went into the back coming back with four wands in hand,"Try this one," Olivander breathed out passing the oak wand towards the confident boy,who held it up and just stared at it,"well flick it " The old man said impatiently, doing what the man had instructed he flicked it and a vase broke,"Well not that one,"he muttered under his breath,"try this one," the old man again passed a wand to the young boy who was lacking confidence, but when taking the wand he traced it as unlike the one before it had designs running up and down the wand, as before he flicked it and a breathtaking light flickered blinding the boy,"well Mr Black I think you found your wand, thestral tail-hair, holly, 12inches, having sold a thestral tail-hair in quite a while," The old man went onto say,
'Why?' Pondered Jamie but couldn't bring himself to ask and paid him and ran out the door, that's when he realised something,"did he say Mr.Black?"

Little CubOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora